Reviews for Alpha by Lyra

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fatcatmom (Chapter 126) - Mon 07 Nov 2011

sugar0o who lurks (Chapter 126) - Sun 06 Nov 2011

so i read it all over again, LOVES! more please!

DemonQueen17 (Chapter 126) - Sat 05 Nov 2011

Loving this. Do continue. May Inuyasha give Naraku the beating he deserves.

randomfan17 (Chapter 125) - Sun 02 Oct 2011

Poor Sesshomaru, being afraid of himself is a scary thought for everyone that knows what he can do, because if he hesitates he might kill a lot of people if he loses control of himself. Inuyasha needs to apologize, and pronto. Also, i vote for Inupapa kicking Naraku's ass if that's what your taking suggestions on

DemonQueen17 (Chapter 125) - Sat 01 Oct 2011

So inuyasha finally realizes that he has more in common with Sesshomaru than he thought. I wonder who will end up kicking Naraku's ass again. Looking forward to the next chappie.

sugar0o who lurks (Chapter 125) - Sat 01 Oct 2011

hahahhaha THWARTED AGAIN KU!  good udpate!

randomfan17 (Chapter 124) - Tue 27 Sep 2011

Naraku reminded me of Scar from the Lion King when he said 'Temper, temper," for some reason, shrugging. I actually like ghost Naraku, still irritating but no threat at all, hehe. Sorry Inuyasha, your brothers better, should have known that when he whooped yo' ass before. Anywhoo, love updates and this one was no exception, please keep em coming.

sugar0o who lurks (Chapter 124) - Tue 27 Sep 2011

i can't tell you how much i love this. part of me LOVES it when it's relaly pushed in inuyasha's face b/c so many people make him an a$s but have him get forgiven for everything, i dunno he really is a jerk and i just love fiction where he finally figures out that he's not the greatest c0okie out there. it appeases me  in a way i cant tell you!

DemonQueen17 (Chapter 124) - Tue 27 Sep 2011

OOOOOOOO!!! I am feeling this chapter. Hopefully, a lesson learned for Inuyasha. Onward!

randomfan17 (Chapter 123) - Mon 12 Sep 2011

This is so sad, all Sesshomaru needed as a kid was a G.I. Joe and a bike to be happy and an occasional hug but his mother had to screw him up and be threatening to his own father who i think would have given him the love he needed if he had been a little looser. As long as Inuyasha understands now that's a good thing. I loved these chapters, they were really interesting.

sugar0o who lurks (Chapter 123) - Sun 11 Sep 2011

... I. WILL. SHAKE. YOU. DEAD!!!! Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr *shakes papa violently* GRRRRrRrRrRrrRrRrrrrRrRrRRRrrrr!!!!

Lillian (Chapter 123) - Sun 11 Sep 2011

Liraaaaaaa! *huggles* The poor S'mo. :'( Inu-no-Taisho is such a mean face. >_>

JeniNeji (Chapter 122) - Sat 10 Sep 2011

This is so sad... but the story is amazing the way it is, so, I dont mind at all =]

DemonQueen17 (Chapter 122) - Sat 10 Sep 2011

So Inuyasha finally sees the truth? About damn time. Hopefully, he'll be able to get the big 'spider' off his back soon. Can't wait to read more.

sugar0o who lurks (Chapter 122) - Sat 10 Sep 2011

*flops over on side* more please! @_@ and there inupapa has it, the spoils of his absence. I rather like that.

Trelweny Rosephoenixwolf (Chapter 120) - Mon 05 Sep 2011

"All sorts of evil?" O_O No kidding! O_O

Wow... can't wait to see what sorts of lessons HE'LL be teaching Inuyasha. O_O Just... wow. Certainly won't be taught as KINDLY as those from Izayoi, that's for sure. :coughs 'understatement of the year' coughs:

Thanks for writing!

Trelweny Rosephoenixwolf (Chapter 119) - Mon 05 Sep 2011

Aww. A spectacular dinner ruined by Sess-mom. :pouts: Her timing is horrendous for happily-minded people.

Hm... I wonder about what Kagome was laughing. :giggles: It had to be good to put her in such a state!

Forgot to put my two cents about chapter lengths in my FF dot net review. :sheepish: Anyway... I tend to prefer longer chapters for the most part. However, I would rather there BE a new chapter than for a writer to feel obligated to write more than they feel comfortable. In other words, write what fits for you for any given chapter. ^_^

Thanks for writing!

Trelweny Rosephoenixwolf (Chapter 118) - Mon 05 Sep 2011

I adore Yoko already! She's just what Kagome needs there. And I love her view on Sesshomaru. ;)

Thanks for writing!

DemonQueen17 (Chapter 120) - Sun 04 Sep 2011

Girly girl. You have made my day! Three chappies with Sesshmom coming and Inuyasha learning love lessons from NARAKU of all people? Oooh, I can't wait.

JeniNeji (Chapter 120) - Sun 04 Sep 2011

Hm, Naraku certainly is a nice choice. I am very curious about how things are going to turn now.

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