Reviews for Alpha by Lyra

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sugar0o who lurks (Chapter 142) - Sun 01 Jan 2012

oh my =x i cant wait to see how he gets over this one. i hope we see kagome's temper!

sugar0o who lurks (Chapter 141) - Sun 01 Jan 2012

raRr! gah  :3



















sugar0o who lurks (Chapter 140) - Sun 01 Jan 2012

lol wow she's probably gunna blush a lot later >_>

sugar0o who lurks (Chapter 139) - Sun 01 Jan 2012

oh my! i wonder if sess knows they are there, i'm sure they do!

sugar0o who lurks (Chapter 135) - Sun 01 Jan 2012

evil puppy!

DemonQueen17 (Chapter 139) - Sun 01 Jan 2012

Oh my my my!!! Wonder who those twin youkai are.

sugar0o who lurks (Chapter 138) - Sun 01 Jan 2012

O_O man alive... cliffe SERIOUSLY?!?! UPDATE! *demands it!*

sugar0o who lurks (Chapter 137) - Sun 01 Jan 2012

i feel so teased with these snippets! more!

sugar0o who lurks (Chapter 136) - Sun 01 Jan 2012

omg so sexy!

Bookwrm150 (Chapter 137) - Sun 01 Jan 2012

One word: Hawt.

DemonQueen17 (Chapter 135) - Sat 31 Dec 2011

It was getting good. Want more. Onward!

blackrose (Chapter 134) - Thu 22 Dec 2011

THIS STORY IS AMAZING!!!!!! The plotline is so complex and beautiful; the characters all have such rich and complex personalities.  I cannot wait to read the rest of this! Please update soon!!!!

DemonQueen17 (Chapter 134) - Wed 14 Dec 2011

I'm loving this smut. Kinky, kinky, kinky. ONWARD!!!

Silverwing (Chapter 134) - Wed 14 Dec 2011

Your updates are so exciting! I love Alpha and the growing relationship between Kagome and Sesshoumaru. Thank you so much for progressing that and I hope that you progress it beyond sex, although it already seems to be going that way. Thank you so much for the update.

Lillian (Chapter 134) - Wed 14 Dec 2011

Rarw evil Skype bears of doooom!


I luff you. *cuddles* It's going to be okay! I promise...nah never mind. Not okay. :)


By the way, that was fabulous and delicious.

sugar0o who lurks (Chapter 134) - Wed 14 Dec 2011

i love this and THANK YOU LILLI! *wiggles bears too*

sugar0o who lurks (Chapter 133) - Tue 13 Dec 2011

hot! more please! raRr~!

DemonQueen17 (Chapter 133) - Tue 13 Dec 2011

Yummy yummy smut. Go, Kagome! Can't wait for the next chapter.

Lillian (Chapter 133) - Tue 13 Dec 2011

You teased me.

You mean.

Imma go cry. See if I let you see my new chappie before I post.


I'm going to sic my math on you.

Be afraid.

Ceferadel (Chapter 132) - Wed 30 Nov 2011

Oh my this chapter was quite the wonderful wake up call with my morning coffee. :)

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