Hoo boy! I have been remiss, have I not? Still, this was a wonderful, wonderful chapter! :D Trust the photog to notice it, of all people! It's rapidly becoming one of those epic farces where everyone but the main couple knows that they're in love. XD Poor Satome- or should I say lucky Satome? (Kensess is lucky in any case, the big perverted lug) Especially if that photographer takes it into his head to kindle that "spark".....with swimsuit pictures.
::looks at you with glinty eyes::
Thinking about it THAT way... dressing up like Sesshomaru must be Terrible!
...I think I'll stick to working on my Sess-mom costume. Only have to paint or dye my hair and find a good 'fluffy' for it. :ponders: That... and guess what color her eyes are. :makes face:
Thanks so much for writing!
Lillian (Chapter 26) - Fri 14 Oct 2011
Hahaha! Someone's a bit flustered, no?
lol :3 cute!
Jenna (Chapter 25) - Tue 11 Oct 2011
Another great chapter! I feel bad for not reviewing on them all, but I can't stop reading and catching up once I've started! Keep it up, and I can't wait for the next chapter!
D'awwwwwwww! This was just too cute! Inuyasha/Kagura is one of my favourite crack!pairings, but you've made them come together in a way that's adorable and sweet and happy and funny and just makes me melt some more. Epecially as you've made them act in completely diff ways from what they would have done in canon - yet managed to retain their personalities - because Kagura, as I see it, would be the more dominant one in that relationship, anyday! I can't wait for further developments! ::settles down to squee some more::
lmao kagura making him blush x=
Coastin (Chapter 24) - Fri 30 Sep 2011
this is such a great story, i REALLY LOVED this chapter, awesome job!!!
hahaha! What a beautiful Freudian slip! ^_^
The only thing that would make the image more amusing is if Morikawa had been the one to find them. But then... we wouldn't likely have had that lovely perspective on Ken's lack of kissing anyone else aside from onscreen from their father-like figure. Besides... Morikawa is more fun interacting with Ken. ^_^
Have I asked why there's no Shippou? I suppose that would be hard to do with a live action cast. Probably would have to add him in with CGI or something. Still... he SHOULD be there. :pouts: Not fair he isn't.
Thanks so much for writing!
...will someone please go tell Kensess that the lead actress is currently impersonating a traumatised ball of denial and she needs him to kiss it all better and then the nasty no-nos will go away?
And while they're at it, could that someone also please tip off Kensess about protecting his nose with some nice, expensive, handcrafted armour, in case his lady love's fist decides to form an intimate relationship with it?
And then of course, her hand will break or at least be sprained...and then he can kiss that all better too!
Is I not a very geniusy genius? >_> ::pats self on back::
0o0o0o0o0o0o0o nice! go Ken!
*wide-eyed, speechless and mentally just....melting*
The visual... of an intoxicated giraffe on stilts... has me gaping at my laptop screen. O_O
On other matters... go Ken! :personal cheering squad:
Thanks for writing!
I bow to you. KenSess is unholy amounts of wicked in his Knight in Dubiously Shining Armour disguise. >_> I love it. Now just how is Satome going to kill him?
:busts out laughing: ohmyGOSH! That was AWESOME! Booyaka! Go Ken! :collapses on the floor in giggles:
And I can just imagine her next words: I STILL need that drink! :laughs: Or maybe not. :giggles: There's a chance she's too dazed and high off the kiss to need the effects of mere alcohol. ^_^
Thanks so much for writing!
Lillian (Chapter 22) - Fri 16 Sep 2011
Oh EXCELLENT! I am so excited Narita is making his move. Please, I beg of you, indulge me and update soon.
*giggleSA* yEy Sess!
SO Cute! ^_^
...so when's Ken going to make a move? :mischievous:
Thanks for writing!
Oh no no no! Someone tell the little twit she DOESN'T have to dance alone! Where's KenSess hen you need him? >.< But I have to admit...Sess dancing? Doesn't quite...compute. XD ::titters::
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