I teared up reading the last two drabbles...it was just an amazing portrayal of Kagome. Nothing but the best from you though!
I'm at once, both happy and sad that you chose to let Kagome live a human lifetime. Way too many authors go the 'I mated a demon so now I'll live as long as he does' route. Not many actually let her age and die. A smarter way to go about it, if you're going to stretch out her life, is use some sort of magic outside of being bitten by a demon. But also, she died!! And he's all alone!! In this case, I think reincarnation COULD be the proper solution - without causing it to be too much like the original - if you meant to continue this story. I do love where you went with this, don't get me wrong. I just like to think out my ideas, and share them. ^_^ But seriously, when I got an email for this update, I was all, I thought it ended?! Thank you for putting all 5 drabbles in one place. I'm VERY not fond of drabbles, normally. There's only like 2 I read, because they update often and have a good story. Too much page turning!! xD I loved seeing bits and pieces of their lives. It's been a wonderful experience reading this story as you put it up, you had many original ideas and the characters you created were great. Thanks so much for the hours away from my life.
Wow... what a wonderful end to a great story... *wipes away a tear*
omg...its over!! The drabbles after were nice and bittersweet. We all knew that she would eventually leave him, though Im surprised that he didn't try and find a way to keep her longer. Its nice to know that he saw her as his one love, and that their children were mentioned. I won't know what to do with myself not that the story is finished. It was fantabulous while it lasted and here's hoping for more :)
That was very fitting. I liked it.
These are all so beautiful! some kind of sad, but there is a beauty in the sadness. If you have more little drabbles, I hope you post them every once in a while.
Those were truly beautiful, a lovely ending that I'm grateful you shared.
I can't believe its done but all good things have to come to an end and this was definately a very good thing! Amazing work as always!
Absolutely awesome!!!! I loved every moment, thank you!
I'm so sad that it's over but I can't imagine a more perfect ending. All great things must come to an end as they say and even though I always dread the end of your stories because it means I have no more updates to look forward to, I would hope that you have something else in the works! Every one of your stories always manages to capture the readers attention and they never let it go. Thank you so much for your talents and for sharing your brilliance with the rest of us. I'm usually a silent reader, I'll admit I'm horrible at leaving reviews, but I wanted to make sure you knew how much I enjoyed this, and all of your stories and I can't wait to read more from you!
Thank you!! What a beautiful story!!!!
This was beautiful, uplifting and very sweet! We couldn't hope for more,and your talent as a writer shines just as brightly as ever! Thank you for writing this great story and sharing it with us! It never matters how long it takes for a story to be complete, as long as the writer doesn't abandon it, and if the writing is as wonderful as yours is, it really won't matter, we will wait because you make it worth the wait!
I would have hopped to see Inutaisho hold the babies, hear their names, and the possibility of Gina and Tanaka having a happy ending of their own. But that is just the selfish inside me that does not want to let you go just yet. I want to keep you here with us, knowing that we lovingly apreciate each and every update, and being able to read your stories until the day I become a grandmother and can't sit for even a few minutes anymore!
I hope you are not saying goodbye, and continue to write fanfiction. Every time we read something of yours, is a treat highly cherished!
Best wishes and warm hugs to you and your loved ones. May the fast aproaching holiday season brings you all the joy and happiness you deserve!
Reader in Disguise.
Perfect! Just perfect. The story was great! I enjoy reading your stories so much. You are great writer and hope to see more of your work in the future.
An excellent end to an excellent tale. Thank you hun! Do you have another knocking around somewhere?
Looooove it =) It was a great story, I loved every second reading it. And I adore the way you portray both of them... amazing.
Thanks for finishing this fantastic story.
woot! loved it, awesome! thank you so much for this story!
PQ, Thank you so much for #1 writing this story, #2 sharing this wonderful tear-jerking story with us and #3 finishing this story. It is wonderful and so are you!
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