Vy vorishka: You thief.
Vy budete nakazany za eto: You will be punished for this [it]
Vypusk rebenka: Release her
As someone who is a native Russian speaker I wanted to give you a couple of tips on the Russian. First the form of 'you' you're using here is a formal kind said to someone who deserves respect mostly or when speaking to someone one is not familiar with. The one your vendor is more likely to use when speaking to little Kagome is 'Ti' (or 'ty' with how you've been spelling it)
Then you would have to change up hte conjugation of your verbs to suit:
Ti malenkiy vor (you little thief) seems close to the meaning you were trying to convey Ti budesh nakazana za eto Otpusti rebenka (means release the child)
Otherwise I really enjoy reading about Sess' and little Kagome's adventures and look forward to more updates!
Jo (Chapter 21) - Sat 18 Dec 2010
*groans* Shippo!
Though, who knows, maybe he did pay for it and the money is in the bag but the old man doesn't know that. Or someone else stole it for her. *looks around* Kouga would make an interesting European wolf.
An interesting take on old demon and miko story. Thank you!
oh. shippo's a naughty brat
awe :[ tease! more!
:3 like weeds! tey grow!
eh. *wonders if its REALLY that kagome*
*is lost, what does Shisho? mean? and shippo's a meanie!
lol doesnt even let him finish
ShadowKitsune67 (Chapter 16) - Sat 27 Nov 2010
Omg. xD These drabbles are so cute! I loved the 15th chapter especially, made me lol when Kagome went LOOK DINNER while holding the bunny. Ahaha, poor bunny p:
*giggles* =x
that poor bunny
awes! *loves* snowy kagome!
oh, the gods are angry with her?
awe poor kagome, wonder why she's scared of storms
pffft tiny thief!
lmao she's a lil piggie! ♥
lmao "butt-face?" hahahahahahahahah
oh don't fall into the pit falls of wishing she were someone else
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