This story was such a joy to read! I love the strong action/adventure elements cuopled with slashes of horror! Kagome's game of 'tag' made my skin crawl. I play that over and over in my head! I just loved it! ^_^
Deaville, both Testament 1 & Testament 2 are just phenomenal. The story and characters are larger than life and really swept me up into this universe. I love the depth of these characters and the expansiveness of this storyline. Edge of my seat throughout. Great pacing, too.
Gotta say, the end of this chapter near gave me chills of anticipation. I do hope Kagome falls as far as Sesshomaru has! This potentially sweet feeling of corruption is delicious.
This story was awesome and amazing, and I enjoyed it!
Wow!!... 00...Wow!!.....Just...Wow!!
Bane (Chapter 33) - Fri 25 Feb 2011
No! Why why can't I have Exodus now! I need to know what happens!
I truly love this... Thank you
I was so excited to get a fovorite story alert today for this!!! Thanks for the awesome fic and I look forward to Exodus!
This story has been absolutely amazing and I've always enjoyed it. I can't believe that it's been five years already! I've always enjoyed your writing style as well as you complex characters, story lines, and your wonderful use of world history and mythology. I can't wait to see this story continued in Exodus!
I'm using a borrowed computer, haven't even read the entire story yet, but I've gone through this chapter and LOVE IT. Now, once I get a replacement machine (mine died two days ago), I know what *I'll* be reading when I have the chance! I'm so glad you had the time to update it over break and can hardly wait for the next exciting installment!!!
Shezna (Chapter 32) - Mon 17 Jan 2011
Oh wow.. I love this story! its intense! extremely so >.> Good work! I wasn't expecting Sesshomaru to come back so fast but absolutely marvelous! I read the whole story in one go and shall be eagerly awaiting the next chapter and sequals! I can't wait to find out if the other Sesshomaru's are still in exsistance or if the blue-eyed version is again completley in charge. I can't help but feel that the golden eyed version earned a respite.
Rosenkreuz (Chapter 31) - Mon 18 Oct 2010
This story just blows my mind...It really tugged my heart when Sesshoumaru was a child and pleading for help. This is just a work of art and unique. Hopefully you get to finish this story. Good luck
Oh goodness. Every time I learn more about Sessh's past, it makes me want to cry even harder for him. Is there any happiness in his life whatsoever? Even so, WONDERFUL story. Please keep up the good work!
anon (Chapter 30) - Tue 02 Feb 2010
Cool fighting! Glad you're back and I hope we dont have to wait too much for the next update. IMO this story is the best since Tales of the house of the moon, even if there's no Sess/Kagome interaction, romance in it (so far).
anon (Chapter 17) - Tue 08 Dec 2009
aw come on. Give us an update.
This is the best fic I read this year.
medea (Chapter 29) - Mon 25 May 2009
WOW. This story is complex. At first I didn't want to continue reading it (I'm used to soap opera fics :P), but it didn't leave me alone. So I chewed myself through all 28 chapters. I didn't regret it. Very well written, full of action, adventure, emotion. Its the kind of story that stays with you all day long even when you should concentrate on other things. But this isn't really a Kagome/Sess pairing, is it? I just cant see an old, dying, jaded demon fall for a young mortal girl :/
Anyho, keep up the great work and update.
I just noticed that I've been following this story like a mad, but I haven't left a comment! This is one of the most interesting Sess/Kag stories out there. Everytime you come out with a new chapter it's been well worth the wait because the story just seems to get that much more intricate. This story is truly deep and complex. You have to really read it, not just skim and have the storyline spoon-fed to you. I love it, every damn chapter.
OMG! I sat and read through the entire story. It is awesome, and at the same time, so sad. I really hope that you don't kill off a bunch of Inu characters. I'll have to go back through and look at your author notes for any possible clues. It's three o'clock in the morning, so I can't give you a review that is worth much. Nevertheless, this story is intriguing. Such mystery! The whole father thing was very confusing until you explained it. I love all the action that is taking place and am on the edge of my seat! Thank you for writing and posting. ^_^
I love this story! It has a wonderfully complex storyline and you write beautifully. I can't wait for the rest!
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