Poor Rin!!!! I would try and find a way to convince Sesshy otherwise to scare off some boyfriends *wink, wink* Good chapter, please and as always update soon!
Yep, Sesshoumaru.....talk.......sure. Good chapter for a minute I thought he was going to pounce on her and ravage her, but the clown thing and talking good :) Please update soon.
Wheezers Unite! I know how you feel. Owl and I are both asthmatic.
Too funny drabble. Always love reading these
Hahaha cute, please update soon!!!!
I enjoy this story very much so. Its too cute and funny. Random situations are fun. Cant wait for the next chapter.
I was wondering if this would come up, and how kagome would deal with the situation. Nice.
XD Too funny, possessive sesshomaru is amusing.
POKEMONZ!!!!!!!!!!!! I love this one sotas so cute, loved the way he used pokemon battle speech.
Last line... "you really like the couch, dont you?" hilarious..........
This is priceless.....i think im in love with your one-shots and im not even that far into them........
on to the next XD
Oh gawd this is funny........XD
Nice work, i love how blunt he is.
Hehehehehe!!!! Cute, I do that too sometimes. Please update soon!! ^_^
Aww..poor Sesshy! Tell him don't feel bad. I don't have a license either. In fact, Driver's Ed. gave me back the money. Yeah, I was that bad.
Dear Tai, I read all of your amazing drabbles in a mere hour and GOSH I LOVED ALL OF THEM!!! EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM. You do it so well; the conversations are so simple yet powerful in their hilarity. I couldn't stop laughing as I went through every single one of them eagerly and there were times when I choked on my tea and ended up spluttering but OH, it was all worth it. I love it, and I love the fact that you update so frequently too! Great job there!! Hope to see more :))
Truth be told, if you HAD killed the guy banging around in your building, you would have a LOT more time for writing. This is a very funny drabble, though, I think I know people who have Sesshoumaru's attitude when driving. Not me, of course!
And I honestly think that this drabble may be a first! But the dialogue is so perfect with the picture Jupe drew. You are too funny!
I'd drive Sesshy around!!!!! Please update soon!!! ^_^
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! 'It is not this Sesshomaru's fault the light wasn't green'. That was the funniest chpater yet.
REDWOLF (Chapter 34) - Thu 08 Apr 2010
Now, Murry, the granddog, prefers snausages to milkbone. I'm just saying... I'm having trouble getting my head around this one, but that's not keeping me from laughing!
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