Ugh....! You are killing me with these cliffhangers! I guess I should have expected it though! But feel free to give it a rest at any time. Your writing is addictive enough without the heart stopping cliffhangers!
Anyway, I love how you wrote this chapter. The way you described them entering and traveling through the cave was quite captivating. I could clearly imagine everything as if I was actually there. I am also now quite curious as to why Kagome didn't realize that it was Sesshoumaru who was staked to the stone. Unless my memory is failing me (something it does far to often) I thought she was there when Inuyasha pinned him there in the first place. I may have to read the first chapter again. At any rate, I very much look forward to the next installment, so update as soon as you can! XD
awesome story so far Lady B! Can't wait to see what happens next! :)
Wow!'ve definitely got my attention! By the throat, no less. My heart's racing...
Okay, so I know you have things planned. Sesshoumaru didn't really die. There are twists and turns up your sleeve (there always are) but still!!!!!! Updata soon
Oh No!
Diane (Chapter 1) - Tue 02 Feb 2010
Well it would probably be better if I knew what was going on, hopefully you'll tell us next chapter.
AAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaahhhhhhh Damn it lady b!! You did it again!! I KNEW I should have waited until you had more chapters!! *sighs* I knew it! Curse my weakness for fantastic fantastic writing. I nearly cried when Inuyasha called Sesshoumaru onee-san. I can't wait to find out what's going on. Oh, and the other demons, I am dying to know what happened to them as well.
On another note, I can definitely see the change in how you are writing this one and I like it a lot. It's a bit smoother IMO. Well, I'll have to get off the edge of my seat and wait as patiently as humanly possible for you to post the next chapter. I'll try not to bug you too much, but I can't really make any promises. =P
Jupe (Chapter 1) - Tue 02 Feb 2010
Zomg! A new Lady B story? I can't wait to see what twisted paths you lead us down this time. ;)
One crit - Onee-san means older sister. The word you are looking for is Onii-san, I think?
I'm loving this so far!!! I'm slightly less than halfway into the chapter, but I just had to be the first to review damnit!!! The first part of the story just blew me away!! I'll drop you another line or two when I get to the end. XD
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