Reviews for Capital Offense by Oroyukae

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1CarinoInu (Chapter 62) - Tue 09 Mar 2010

Ouch - well, can you truly blame the girl?  She believed he left her for the cause....

I'm curious how you're going to get him to convince her otherwise.  She was pretty upset.

I'm curious if Sango is more a part of the anti-cause than just an innocent letter?  I know - reaching.

SilentlyFuming (Chapter 62) - Tue 09 Mar 2010

Uhoh, looks like someone decided to stop repressing.  I hope Sessh can fix it quickly!

moonlight's.kiss (Chapter 62) - Tue 09 Mar 2010

you... you left it there... now you're just obligated to update as soon as possible! you read me, ASAP! i so knew she was going to slap him and i so knew you were going to stop rite when she did! you had to! just had to...

Snowfall (Chapter 62) - Tue 09 Mar 2010

Amusing, interesting, sad, scary, cute, and oh no!  Kagome actually hit Sesshoumaru!  Their powers go off the charts when they have a fight.  Crap!  I hope Kikyou can calm them down.  The chapter may have been long, but it wasn't boring by any means.  Great setup!  Can't wait to see what you have in store for us next.  ^_^  It's going to be exciting!.

I have to wonder who it is that is planning a war.  Sneaky wench, you are.  Love the suspense.  The incident with Aiya was hilarious!  ROFL  That was a nice little treat.  Sesshoumaru's confusion in the store was sweet and sad.  It was wonderful when he finally found a gift.  Can't wait to see what it is.  I'm glad Miroku has a friend in Sato and I hope Sato remains a good guy.  Oooh, Sango could be a double agent and get info on the bad guys!  Damn, I hope she isn't working with the bad guys to get Sesshoumaru to stay.

Well, I knew the reunion wouldn't be a happy one and can't understand why Sesshoumaru might have thought it would be.  However, even I didn't expect her to slap him.  Still, that's our fiery Kagome, and she's high on hormones.  LOL  I'm sure Sesshoumaru will not be pleased, but I hope he can control his instincts.  It will be interesting to see how you handle the situation between the two, the progression of events that will bring them to an understanding.  I just wish the numbscull would have said something before she slapped him.  LOL  Poor guy, struck dumb in Kagome's presence. ^_^

Deana (Chapter 62) - Tue 09 Mar 2010

You are forgiven. Even though it was lengthy, it was sooo worth it. Sessh thought that she would just melt in his arms at the sight. He needed to remember that as far as she was concerned, he dumped her, then he had the audacity to show up at her dooras if he was god's gift. I'm just looking at it from her point of view. He should have been the one to walk to her and start with an apology and tell her that the letter was faked. Sorry I'm a little wordy tonight. I loved every minute of it.

Rock (Chapter 62) - Tue 09 Mar 2010

muahahaha! i knew it! yay!

iloveprettysilverhair (Chapter 62) - Tue 09 Mar 2010

Awwww!  Poor Sesshoumaru, got bitch slapped for something that he didn't even do! XD  Can't really blame her though, because as fas as she knows he DID break it off with her. 

So digging all the intrigue and conspiracies.  I feel bad for Miroku though, the poor guy just can't catch a break.  Thank you for answers, it was a wonderful, informative chapter.  Keep up the great work!

TruGemini (Chapter 62) - Tue 09 Mar 2010

Daaaaaammmmmnnnn! I can't believe she hit him...waitm, yes I can. But hopefully she will allow him to defend himself and explain about the letter. You can tell, they both need this!

Silver Silence 89 (Chapter 62) - Tue 09 Mar 2010


I need you to write Kags pov about that incident lol

I NEED to read what the heck was going through her head when she did that!!!!




knifethrower (Chapter 62) - Tue 09 Mar 2010

I really enjoy long chapters!  Can't wait for the next one.  When Sesshy was trying to decide on a gift for Kagome, and decided against a fragrance, it made me think of this:

The bottle of perfume that Willie sent

Was highly displeasing to Millicent

Her thanks were so cold

They quarrelled, I'm told

Through that silly scent Willy sent Millicent

It was great thinking, and totally Oroyukae, to add another plot twist just as things seem to be resolving themselves.  Using the soldiers trained in the program for world domination.  Intrigue within intrigue.


Neva (Chapter 62) - Tue 09 Mar 2010

aaaaaaaaaaaahhhhh fantastic chapter!!!! i cant not wait for the next! i cant believe she hit him! lol

snowbird (Chapter 61) - Tue 09 Mar 2010

I just had to review again to say that I am enjoying reading not only the story but also the comments by your reviewers especially these recent ones on Sango.  They're so lively with all the different opinions on her.  Fantastic reviews and a healthy debate is a high compliment to the writer plus enjoyment reading for someone like me.  It's just strange that everyone seemed surprised that she was the one.  I said in a previous review that it was Sango when the story let the reader know that the letter had been forged.  My mind followed the path of the letter and she was the logical one.  I never suspected Miroku because he'd been too obvious.

Oh yes, one more time - don't forget to put the CAVE  to good use!  hahahaha

Starlyte (Chapter 61) - Tue 09 Mar 2010

I personally think having Sango switch the letters was a good move, when she explained to Miroku why she did it, it makes sense, she was only looking out for her friend. Yes it caused a hell of a lot of problems and it has hurt Kagome more than Sango realised, but she had good intentions, just went about it wrong i think! But as a fan of your wonderful fanfictions, i always trust your writting, some times i may think what the.... but it always fits together perfectly!!!

I love this story which is no big shock there, but i seriously can't tell you how much i am waaaaaaiting on Sesshomaru and Kagomes reunion! I just want to see how everything is going to play out, and how its actually going to go once they all get back to Kags, before the whole revelation of the switched letters, and after that fact! So yes i am a very eager to read the next chapters!!

moonlight's.kiss (Chapter 61) - Mon 08 Mar 2010

phew. okay. for some retarded reason my email has not been getting the alerts for this story. i know, what a load of bull! so i just caught up all the way from chapter fifty six to now... awesome! sesshomaru knows and they finally are not convinced that he hates her and she hates him. well sesshomaru knows anyway. i do hope it won't take Kagome too long to forgive sesshomaru for something that wasn't even his fault in the first place. and sango? wow i got to give you that one, i didn't see that coming! but let me stop rambling and, wait no. i love this kikyou and inuyasha relationship process! amazing, amazing. it was too sweet when she kissed him/molested him while he was 'sleeping/unconscious'. and then when he responded, oh my god! you'r such and excellent writer,  i have to tell you, keep writing and update soon. now i'll stop rambling...

iloveprettysilverhair (Chapter 61) - Mon 08 Mar 2010

OMG it was Sango?!?!?!  Holy crap dude, what a twist!  I love it though, totally threw me off :D

Yay!  Sesshoumaru and Kagome are going to get to see each other again!!!!!  So um...just because they can't do...that, does that also mean they can't do other stuff as well?  Is it just their joining that sparks their energies?

Wonderful couple of chapters, it was nice to take a break from homework for a while again.  Keep up the great work!

Silver Silence 89 (Chapter 61) - Mon 08 Mar 2010

Sheesh... the suspense is KILLING ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I <3 u!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

ceres (Chapter 61) - Mon 08 Mar 2010

Hey, even if I can´t accept Sango as the culprit I will read this story until the end because it´s fantastic, one of your best so far. It´s not because I hold Sango in high regard or anything (every character can do something bad if it fits the plot even the cute ones like Shippo or Rin and actually it´s nice when everyone does get another role than always the same like best friend, sister....bla bla bla) You get what I say. I´m just not convinced that she could copy Sesshoumaru so well but I won´t say anything to this topic again.

Actually, I look forward how the meeting between Sesshoumaru and Kagome will go. I´m really sorry for them and hope Kagome will see how Sesshoumaru really feels for her. I´m so glad that you´ve made Inuyasha her best friend, he is wonderful in this fic. Many tend to make him an cheating asshole and Kikyou a spiteful bitch but it´s really nice to see them out of the stereotypical roles.

Tana_san (Chapter 61) - Mon 08 Mar 2010

UtterChaos247...thanks for your opinion. I truly thrive on what other reviewers think and it was nice to know that it was I that got your dander up to log in and review! I don't have any like or dislike for any of the original characters, really. They all have a purpose and other writers using them in their fics only keep the fics close to the orginal series and manga. Your dislike of my take on things was encouraging really. It's nice to know that others get a kick out of reading the reviews too. I adore you all!

AND...I absolutely agree with Snowfall. I had forgotten that it was Sango who stole tetsusaiga so she could get Kohaku back, but there again, I reserve the right to see that as a totally different situation because Kohaku was Sango's little brother, her only blood relative that she believed was alive. Kagome is merely a friend, abeit a best friend, but still a friend. I just found it hard to believe she would betrat both Kagome and Miroku, even though it was well intentioned. If you had the oportunity to read my earlier review, I thought see may have been brainwashed to be the fall guy by the same people that killed Kagome's uncle. There again, my imagination running away with me as I get so totally warped into this AR.

SnowFall, I too, believe that the director or main supervisor,whatever he is, is the one that killed Kagome's uncle. It just makes sense, BUT as we review our thoughts, I can just see Lady O sitting there rolling her hands round saying, "so you think you know, do you? MuHAhahaha!!!".

Again, you reviewers thril and entertain me as much as the writers do and for one in my position in life, it means so much. Love ya! *bows respectfully*  JEN

Tana_san (Chapter 61) - Mon 08 Mar 2010

Where Sango is concerned, point taken. It wasn't that I disliked her character being the culprit, I just couldn't see the end result being in her favor. Friends and lovers can only take so much when one with good intentions goes behind their back and betrays their trust. Sango very well may have lost the two people she's loved the most.  so, for the explanation? Case closed for me on this particular subject.

We have yet to find out who and why Kagome's uncle was killed. I'm sure that will come soon enough...I'm more interested in how Sesshoumaru is going to handle seeing Kagome. He is connected to her emotionally, that has been established. His eating binges showed he was eating as if he were the one pregnant. His flashes of emotions and such the day Kagome received his letter. It would be interesting to see him showing her the emotions.

Anyway, until the next post...JEN

SilentlyFuming (Chapter 61) - Sun 07 Mar 2010

me again (2lazy2login), but~!  Something HAS made me login today, for this reason:  I completely disagree with Tana-san!  There, that's really all I wanted to say XP  I think Snowfall's got it right, and I thought it was a good idea (...I've never really liked Sango to tell you the truth.  I love side-characters, but there's something missing with hers...)

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