I have been so busy lately that I just got caught up on all my reading. I have to say that your story is amazing. I love the way you have brought it to this point with your concise writing and creativity. Keep up the good work.
Oh my goodness, shame on me! It's been waaaaay too long since I last sent you a review.
Definitely one of the best drabble collections I've ever had the pleasure of reading. Each chapter is an absolute delight, which is a feat, considering how short you keep them! Impressive... I doubt I'd be able to keep people interested with only one hundred words, I'm just not that good at pruning.
I'm excited to see that Sesshomaru has accepted his attraction to Kagome and has entered into the courting stages. I really adore the playful quality of your writing, it makes me want to smile and giggle and snuggle something big and fuzzy!
Always anxious for more! Sorry for reading so long without reviewing. It's so easy to get caught up in the story and forget... *blush*
Lauren (Chapter 178) - Sat 12 Feb 2011
Trying to trick Shippo into upping his game, huh? How sneaky. I like it. ^^ Can't wait to see what happens. An excursion outside the apartment and its' surrounding area! Hazzah~
what's that puppy up to? yay another update!! Love it.
You are magic. And you write magic. I love the romance of everyday things: pouring him a cup of coffee, carrying the groceries into the house for her, going out in the cold for the mail so he can stay warm, cleaning up the kitchen after meals so she doesn't have to... That's the romance that you write, caring and sharing and being together. *sigh* Whoever thought that organizing her life would be an act of love?
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