You are an awesome writer! There were so many elements that made this chapter a success, it is hard to break them down. There was the Dickens-esque description of how Sesshomaru feels about his "fallen" status. Of course, you give your readers just enough of a push that we are left thinking: "He's young, he's handsome, he still has his beautiful clothes and furnishings, he has a job, where he has been given a chance to really prove himself." We are introduced to Kagome. She was only working part-time, at what many would consider a fairly mundane job. When she found out she had extra work duties because of Sango's upcoming marriage and maternity leave, she saw the opportunity as "success". She is a mature, strong woman, confident in her own skin. And, as with Sesshomaru, we are given that little nudge, so that we think: "She could have felt bitter that she lives alone, while Sango is going to have a family. She could also have felt like she was only getting Sango's leftovers, when she was given the additional job duties." Your description of the plants in her apartment, the fresh scent, her baking and cooking, all gave me a vivid mental image not only of her surroundings, but her soul as well. I liked the end a great deal, where Sesshomaru noticed for the first time, her hourglass figure. You can tell, even though he is still stuck in his old value system, that he is noticing the little things that can make a human being something special and good...
Awww this story is so cute. I love how portrayed kagome and sesshomaru, the whole "down on your luck" thing is also a nice change considering all the stories ive read have sess as the big bad buisnessman.... lol kagome also kinda reminds me of myself.... Anyways, keep up the good work hun ^^.
- Haji
Whoo!!! New chapter!! Go Kagome, go Kagome, go Kagome! Hojo definitely got what he deserved (past and present things that happened to him). Glad to know that Kagome can defend herself. Leave it to the old man to interrupt when things are starting to get intimate.
So, at last we know the truth about Hojo. I'm happy that Kagome didn't get mad at Sesshomaru when he asked her about it. Awe! She's opening up to him because she loves him! (Sighs romantically and has a dreamy look on my face)
Anyway, update soon! I was so happy to see that you updated today. I'll be waiting for the next chapter patiently! Lol! :D
Ok, now I really don't blame Kagome for hating sex. Hojo was just horrible, to be raped by your childhood friend that way is just terrible. Thank goodness she has Sesshoumaru now who will show her how she should be treated. I really hope that he will show her how a woman should be appreciated. Can't wait for more!
While it is true that the word "tamal" comes from the náhuatl, the "tamal" is not only a dish made in Mexico. It is also made in Central America and in South America. In my country a tamal is usually salty, but we make a kind of tamal with the tender grains of corn, mixed with butter and sugar. They are of course sweet.
Yay~ I like how you did that and the promised smut to come has me very interested ~_^
I hope Sesshoumaru starts his business or whatever he is planning and totally leaves his so called family in the dust!
Can't wait for more, as always. :)
While I am disappointed you didn't tell us about Kagome and Sesshoumaru's first time, I take it for granted that it was better than her previous experience with sex. When is Sesshoumaru going to talk to Kagome about Hojo? Hopefully he won't be a factor in their relationship. I also hope that Sesshoumaru's plans don't include going back into the family business to work for Inuyasha. There he would just do all of the work and be treated badly. Hopefully he is planning on starting his own company! Thank you so much for the update! This is such a great story! I really want Sesshoumaru and Kagome to have their happily-ever-after!
Whoo! Great chapter! I'm so happy that you updated! I definitley loved Sesshomaru in this chapter. You are developing his character quite nicely, and I can't wait to see where you take him in future chapters. The same goes for Kagome.
I can't help but wonder if Hojo is going to show up again. Or if Sesshomaru is going to ask Kagome about him. Hm... I guess I'll just wait and see! :D
Well, you definitely need to update soon. I can't wait! :D
I sooooo lurves it! “Never 'just a man'. You, Sesshoumaru, can never be an ordinary man. No matter what paper titles you wish to go by, you are more than their bureaucracies and politics. You are more powerful than anyone who wishes to challenge you. You are Sesshoumaru, better than any man, better than any title. You are you.” - I should tell that to my hubby and see if I get a kiss like that! So freakin jealous of a fictional character, how lame am I? lol
Sweet! I can't wait to see what's gonna happen next. I hope Sesshoumaru can realize his love for Kagome isn't a weakness but a strength ;)
Did Inuyasha really think that Sesshoumaru would help him? What, is he crazy? He can't run the company, so he thinks his brother will come back and give him free advise? That company deserves to go down. I really hope that Sesshoumaru won't help them, not even if his father begs him to come back! Thanks for the update! I really like this story and can't wait for the next chapter!
Oh That Was Good Smut Wow!
I Like How You Make Kagome Have Freaky Side Its Refreshing Compared To Her Innocent Naivity.
Can't Wait To Read More.
Update Soon.
Ohs And Sesshomaru Better Not Help Inuyasha!
Hot hot hot! Love it! I somehow don't think that is the last we will see of Hojo, but hopefully in the mean time Sesshoumaru and Kagome can get their hanky-panky on. lolol!
I LOVED IT^^ your story was really good.....sorry i waited till know to tell you this.....i do that a lot...
i love your story it is one of the top ten i have ever read. you are great at writing keep up the great work.
I just had to leave a review becasue i had a dream about this fic last night! and now i cant wait to read more, so please update soon! i cant wait to see how they will end up. does sesshomaru become sucssesful and get back at his family?? that would be great! or what kind of drama there with be along the way? i hope he keeps kgome with him all they way throguh since shes the only one that loved the real him.
and i loved in the last chaper how sess said everythign he has been through brougt him to her. it was beautiful.
OMG Can't Kagome & Sesshomaru sit down play a nice game of life and have a nice tall glass of lemade;0 on the side without HoJo interrupting them damn that Hojo.
Lets hope they get to have a happy Christmas ;)
Darn you Hojo! He just had to go and ruin everything! Ugh! Anyway, enought hating on Hojo (the stupid prick). Very good chapter, and very well written! I can't wait to see what happens next! Update soon! :D
It was lemony goodness :3
Ahah, it's okay, when you said mock neck I had no clue what that was, so I had to look it up, and that's the pic that came up :p
Aw, poor kitty. A sqee-er, eh? That would be interesting to see. This last chapter was great! I especially enjoyed the hot scene ;3 poor Seshy's getting frustrated a bit. Oh, well, they both are so it's pretty funny. Ugh. Hojo, what a cock-blocker. I guess the day when there will be no distractions is yet to come, ahah. First the old man, now a mood-spoiler....and what a way to spoil a good mood.
Anyway, thanks for the udpate!!
Oh Wow An Update And I Only Reviewed Last Night.
Like This Chapter, Hojo Stepping In Was Perfect Even Though I Was Expecting Kouga ... LOL
Can't Wait To Read More, Update Soon :D
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