Awww. I absolutely love the way you write tender moments and I always get caught up in the emotions to go with them! <3
that was just too sweet. lovely as ever, forthy.
such sugar rush to my system. lol
Glad she is giving him a chance. Update soon!
Oh my! I want to see this come to its conclusion yet see it continue at the same time. Wonderful writing and prose!
So after the last chapter I decided to start at chap 1 and read it all again haha
I am picking up on SO much that you hinted around at that I didn't notice before. You are an awesome story teller. Thank you
YES! YES! YES! YES! Finallyyyy. Took her long enough to decide to give Sesshoumaru a chance. Goodness I loved the last chapters. I cannot wait to read the next one. Please, please hurry with the next update. I cannot wait.
That is what Kagome needed, her wise mother. Now, will Sesse and Kag be together? Or just friends?
I can't WAIT to read the next chapter~! I'm excited that Kagome's finally decided to give the poor guy a chance!!! And he was NERVOUS! That's way too cute.. anyway, loved this chapter. Update again soon~! Thank you for sharing your great writing with us. ^_^
finally !!! wow, that one was difficult. and tense... and so wonderful ! I can't wait 'til the next week !
bravo ! I LOVE how you wrote that chapter, so great. hope, now, the two dogs won't fight each other. hope it will be more peaceful in the futur.
see you next !
I wish this story was updated every hour on the hour and was neverending! They way it is now though, is much better cause we get to think about it and think about it and think about it until you update...Once again, at the risk of making this review awkward: I LOVE YOU! You are THE MOST WONDERFUL AUTHORESS ever =] REALLY, THIS IS NO JOKE. Thank you for sharing your wonderful stories with us =] GAH## YOU JUST MAKE ME SO HAPPY##
Loving Shippo as comic relief. Awesome story. Keep up the good work
This is a fic that I look forward to every friday. In between my classes, after work, just every chance I get i'm glued to the computer. I can't wait to find out what has happened with everyone. OMGoodness i wanna kno sooooo bad.
ja ne till next time and keep up the good work
This story is amazing. The depth, the explorations into the characters, the emotion. I must say I dislike how you end your chapters because it makes me go, "OMG I NEED MOAR!" *ahem* Aside from that, all of these chapters are flawless. It has my favourite shipping, it's written beautifully, and has a great storyline. I can't wait for more. :) You are an amazing author!
OMG AWWWWWWWWWWWwwWWWWWWWWWWWwwwwwWWWWWWwwwwwWWWWWW that was a cute chappy....but i cant wait for her to reunite with inny 2.
X^D OMG!!!! YAY!! Finally!!! That was very sweet at the end, I got all teary eyed when they hugged. *sniffles* So sweet. Thanks for the update Forthy! I can't wait for the next one!
.... Yay! I'm so happy! I love it! It makes me giggle!
I love how you wrote Shippo(u?). Hisoka-sensei is still super awesome! (I think I'll make a plushie) Most of all though, I think I love the slightly awkward reunion. There are some fond (nerve wracking) memories that tie in with it and make the story hit home a little more squarely.
Wonderful stuff.
Awe...AWE!!!! I loved it. :D I am so looking forward to the next chapter! Oh, and I LOL'd over this line: "In a twinkling, he was wrapped around her". TWINKLE how perfectly Forthy. ;)
Ohh! yay! they meet again, it wasn't dangerous or scary for her this last trip forward, I'm so glad....
Finally, they are back again, and everything! Ohh, I'm so glad...this is so impressive! Forthright, you are amazing! This is amazing.
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