Ooooh, he kept her button as a souvenier. I love that idea.
LOVE your story!! please update more often. =]
this chapter is cute! lol in reference to chpt 41. i love how your story just interlocks and the time laps like that. very intriguing
Loooved it! Wonderful work as always. :]
That was a nice chapter :) I like how even though it wasn't directly said, Hisoka's lecture in grooming customs implied that Sesshoumaru now considers her like family. I don't know if that's what was intended, but it definately feels like his perception of her is shifting from an ownership viewpoint to one that's closer and more affectionate. It feels more like love. It's so CUUTE! XD I love it. I really enjoyed this chapter and can't wait for more. Keep up the good work!
This was a nice and cute chapter. I really liked Sesshoumaru in this one and it makes me even more excited for when Kagome and adult Sesshoumaru meet up. I also like that the events you have taking place in the past past relate to just the past. I quite enjoy the creativity you put into creating all of these little moments. I can't wait til next time where the past, present, and future are all made at the same time :)
After having read through all fifty five current chapters of this story, which I decided to embark on after waking up at six in the morning and sitting through seven hours of classes, most of which was lecture, I must say that although I am thoroughly exhausted and not sure if I can make it the five feet to my bed, I cannot wait to read more! I am thoroughly enjoying your portrayal of all of the characters and I look forward to reading more. Oh, one last thing, what does Hisoka's true form look like? I have a picture in my mind of a beautiful oversized bengal... but I'm curious as to what you see.
I've just read this through. This is fantastic. The story line is wonderful and I can't wait for more.
out of plain curiousity how much longer are you going to drag out lil sess and kag's time together? I'm enjoying the interactions don't get me wrong and i don't wish to mess up whatever flow you are on just a wondering i have since you randomly popped us back to present times then back to the past just wondering if we will eventually get to the present and stay there. Keep up the good work.
This was another GREAT chapter! Forthright, my dear, I believe that you are my favourite author! :) Truly mezmorizing in your story telling!
I so do love this story! It's so very sweet and believable. I think it's the best Sesshoumaru characterization there is, and that of Kagome as well. It's such a highlight in my day when I check on Dokuga a find any new chapters.
aw. it always makes me a little sad when she thinks of his future self like that. but I like how you ended it.
“Yes, I do,” she said firmly, giving him a tremulous smile. “Now, I do.”
Yet another lovely chapter! I can't wait until things in the past begin to catch up with the feudal era and the real action begins... but at the same time these little scenes with Kagome, young Sess and Hisoka sensei are so sweet I don't really want them to end. I look forward to your next chapter... update soon, please!!!!!!!!! ^o^
That was such a sweet moment. Young Sesshoumaru shows great interest in knowing all about Kagome.
I'm still confused about why he didn't know her when he saw her again. Was he bitter because she left, or did he just assume that she would be dead? Or was it that he thought she left him on purpose? Those are just random thoughts going through my mind. It's nice to read a story that is thought provoking.
I love your story(ies). This one is very....what's the word I'm looking for(?)....touching.
You keep going...I'll keep reading. Thanks.
Lol! That was cutny (cute + funny). ^_^
This story is so amazingly sweet. I loved this chapter.
Gah! I love little Sesshomaru!
you know everytime you update this i feel like a kid getting theit favorite piece of candy keep up the good work.
YES! AN UPDATE! Love the grooming! It made their relationship deeper. :D I really can't wait for the adult Sess and Kagome to meet again. Keep up the great chapters! :D
Love that ending! I totally had a flash back with her as well! This story is so great I have never read any story as unique and interesting in my entire life. I just can't wait to read more so PLEASE Update soon!
Aaww....That's a really sweet chapter! Now I am seriously itching to know how it all turns out.
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