Reviews for Seclusion by Oroyukae

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WonderWoman2909 (Chapter 23) - Thu 23 Jun 2011

It's a bit frustrating, being kept in the dark about it all, but I don't mind that nearly as much as how ridiculous Kagome is being.  I pray to God is heaven that there are not women so naive and desperate enough to marry a guy UNLESS you are truly, madly, and deeply in love with.  All these doubts and uncertainties... HELL NO.  You couldn't pay me to marry that fool.  ESPECIALLY after all that's occured with Sesshomaru. 



I hope she comes to her senses SOON:)

WonderWoman2908 (Chapter 15) - Mon 20 Jun 2011

One:  I ABSOLUTELY love it!!!

Two:  There are some incredibly touching moments in your story so far and they just fill me with so my happiness and sentiment for this couple!  Well done! 

Three:  The kiss at the lake!  Waking up together!  Sesshomaru DRUNK and LAUGHING... OUT LOUD!!!!!!

Four:  His oozing love and compassion/consolation of Kags... loooooove it.

WonderWoman2908 (Chapter 1) - Sun 19 Jun 2011

I'm very excited for this story!  I love the supporting characteristics that you've given Sesshomaru--making him into a mountain man of the 20th/21st century:)  I LOVE him in a blue flannel... the whole scenario creates a very vivid image and chararacter type in my mind, and I truly enjoy it!

Michi (Chapter 76) - Tue 14 Jun 2011

This was utterly amazing. Kept me enraptured for like 2 days straight. I loveeeeed this. I love Sesshomaru's personality. I loved everything about this story. You did an awesome job. Thank you sooo much for this story, I had the pleasure of reading :D

kuku (Chapter 15) - Thu 19 May 2011

Anonymous (Chapter 15) - Thu 19 May 2011

lara (Chapter 74) - Thu 24 Feb 2011

I found this story & read it for the first time today from start to finish & I loved it. I only wish you had given more info on Sessh & Kaomes pup. I know any that child is considered hanyou(half-breed) for the mere fact that 1 parent is youkai & 1 is human but you did mentioned at one point that Inu's wife wanted more info from whatever info they had at the shrine on whether it was possible that Kagome & Sessh's pup could be born full youkai, you never gave an answer & while I've read in some stories where some powerful mikos could birth full youkai & while that issue was never answered nor was never mentioned why but I figured it might have something to do with the fact that Sessh is not any youkai but, the strongest Youkai known to live, being a dai youkai & that Kagome was not a powerless human but, an extremely powerful Miko & it seemed with the pups fast growth ,tremendous strenght & obvious increased power(compared to other hanyou births) while still in the womb both, Inu's wife who was a well known midwife for a long,long time..&.then, when you add in what Kagome's grandfather had said about them possibly being unaware that a pup born between them would be extremely powerful with unheard of powers &  the most powerful being to be born of all time & if Sessh does intend to do right & cares for Kagome he would Mate her asap because an unmated female as powerful as Kagome, carrying a child with both Kagomes & Sessh's powers would be birthing a pup of unheard of power & the only chance the pup & Kagome would have of surviving the birth would be if Kagome was bonded to Sessh by Mating, allowing both her body & that of the pups the increased power,strength of body, the sharing of thier blood,auras , powers & healing abilities she could only get from him thru a complete Mate bonding & when Sessh & Kagome did Mate for life,he did merge their auras & take in her blood but he never gave her his blood which it seemed would have made her immune to his poison & any poison their pup would be able to produce 

while you did mention that Kagome & Sessh's son was born early (possibly earlier than hanyou)he had Sessh's forehead mark of an heir or youkai royalty with Sessh's hair color,his amber eyes with flecks of Kagome's blue.,you never mentioned if the pup had any stirpes or lines..but you never mentioned if the pup had had Inuyasha hanyou ears or Sesshs ears & if he  had Miko powers or if he was a Miko inu youka & you never once mentioned if Sessh still had any or all of his poison abilities,his whip, his 2 flying abilities,all he ever did was walk no matter how dire or dangerous the situation,even when he hunted he never transformed to a dog or a tremendous dog, even when he had to get thru blinding snow or up & down the mountain during dangerous times,or during the times she was pregnant,he did not drive or run like the wind & yet you showed how Inuyasha still had those amazing abilities of leaping, but it seemed Inu didn't need the sword to control his demon blood . I was also surprised that while Kagome killed the bad guys you never mentioned what happened to Minoru & even though Kagome's power didn't harm those in her & Sessh's pack or those she cared for that had youkai blood I wondered if in your story powerful Mikos could also use their power she held to  heal & protect those she loved be they human or youkai  & it seemed she had better control of her Miko power than she'd known, I also wish they'd have told her & Masaru how she in one release of her power she'd intantly purified/destroyed  every evil youkai who either had hurt or wanted to hurt those she cared for & I thought it would help Kagome to know that her concern for the youkai present that she cared for & not just Sessh her mate but all of them,even Masaru whom she was inches from crying over his body & her youkai son within her very body that even with the anger whe felt & the intensity she released that exulnerabtremely powerful wave of her Miko power...that even though she wasn't aware of friend or foe , unconsciously she must have as the only was that were killed, harmed or felt any pain were the bad ones & while the ones she cared for,loved or didn't fear may have been surprised, shocked or temporary stunned by the intensity of a sudden power that should have killed or harmed them... none of them were harmed or affected in any negative way ... Masaru was near death, unconscious & unable to flare his own aura to protect himself making him the most vulnerable especially with her crying just inches over his body was uninjured by her power.. Which would lead me to believe she may need training in her powers & abilites to better know how to consciously use them. I also feel it would be very important that she should know & no longer fear that while she didn't intentionally know who'd she'd harm as she released her power out of rage & fear at seeing those important to her being harmed ...the although she was unaware of her control of her power she did elimate any & all threats to without harming any others.... I think it's important she know this because in the past she feared using her power thinking she had so little control that she'd automatically harm all  with youkai blood near her & this experince she have proved to all who were there that her Miko powers alone knew friend from foe & that they'd always be safe & that her Miko powers would never harm them & that whether she was with her youkai friends , family or there were youkai innocents around she should know & they should also tell her & reassure her that in the future she should ever have  need to use her Miko power she should trust her her power & her heart that the only youkai who'd be harmed would be the ones that were causing harm ,scaring or hurting & as all there felt the intensity & intense power of her Miko abilites ....even though they were all surprised ,scared & with some weak & powerless to protect themselves they should be able to tell her that although it was intense, they all now   know if they felt her power again as long as they didn't fight it ,they would not have been knocked out ,winded ,weakened ....if they let her power wash over them they could feel safe that her power would never harm them & would only seek out the specific individuals who were there for the purpose of hurting,killing , causing pain or ill intent . She needs to learn that,that  day she released her power unconsciosly whether she was aware or not...she needs to trust & have faith in her instincts .She may not have known it but with her heart so big, her capacity to love, she needs to learn to trust her instincts to tell the difference from..which youkai were bad,which were not, which were innocent, which were evil & which were not.



TrueLoverKagome (Chapter 76) - Wed 08 Sep 2010

loved the story it took me a few days to read it but still amazing total enjoyed reading it.

O-himi-sama (Chapter 56) - Fri 02 Jul 2010

i would just like to say you have compleatly converted me into a Savage garden fan. i love their music so much. my fav song is afirmination(i beleive) and second fav is i knew i loved you. i love their version of truely madly deeply, it's the best i've heard so far. thanks so much for introducing me to such awesom music and for the amazing stories!!!

O-himi-sama (Chapter 46) - Fri 02 Jul 2010

Well really, souta and Masaru arent cousins. since kagome mated sesshomaru and became masaru's 'aunt' wouldent that make her brother his 'uncle'?

Darrakk (Chapter 21) - Fri 04 Jun 2010

I am really enjoying this story, even if I am somewhat dying to know /exactly/ what the hell is going on.

Just one thing is starting to annoy me a bit. Kagome is a miko, and a very emotional being as well. If something does not feel right she does not ignore that feeling. If she doesn't like someone touching her, she won't let them unless she really convinces herself to. I don't think she would let her fiancée sleep with her while he is putting out bad vibes. Just my thoughts though. Maybe a bit more self-persuasion or something? Whatever, really like the idea behind this story.

wickedone43 (Chapter 76) - Sun 16 May 2010

OMG!!!  Iapologize for not reviewing as I read.  It took me all of Friday night and all of Saturday and finally today Sunday morning, to finish reading this fic.  I literally just stopped reading for bathroom breaks and short meals.  My poor husband felt neglected...

Anyway, this fic was so wonderful that I just couldn't stop reading! Not even to review, but boy was it worth sleeping only 4 hours Friday night and Saturday night to finish this.  I was simply breath-taking...words can not express the pleasure of reading this very well written fic.  Congratulations my friend!  Your work is just AWESOME!!!!!

Thanks for the greatest entertainment I have had the privilage of experiencing because of your literary works.  Simply amazing writing.

Do not stop writing and thank you for not abandoning your fic.  I love it when something great gets finished.  Hats off to you!!!

MoMo (Chapter 76) - Mon 03 May 2010

Wowzers that was awesome...I was sad to see it end

Tana_san (Chapter 76) - Wed 28 Apr 2010

I, too, think this is a perfect place to end this. You have done an absolutely amazing job with this creation. Sesshoumaru has come a long, long way from being a total recluse, to being a loving and more open individual. I liked how this story was so realistic and believable. As with all your stories I felt as if I was right there, watching it all unfold.

From the very beginning, I felt drawn into this, into their lives, and at times, I felt myself actually trying to help them during some of the scenes. Whether my body was pulling to get them out of danger and throwing punches during the action scenes or trying to tell the characters what to or not to do, this story had me totally invovled and I loved every minute of it.

I bow respectfully, Lady O, you give me such joy and happiness each and every time I see a fic with your name next to it, as I just know this is another adventure I get the pleasure to go along on and, I am NEVER disappointed.   JEN

knifethrower (Chapter 76) - Wed 28 Apr 2010

Sesshomaru started out without anyone in his life, he got way more in this story than just Kagome, or even his pup.  So now they can live happily ever after, as long as they don't have to go to Tokyo tooooo often!

Daniella (Chapter 76) - Wed 28 Apr 2010

What a beautiful ending!!!!  I'm sad that this story is over but what a fantastic ride it was!  Thank you for sharing this wonderful piece of work with the rest of us!!!!!

dayna (Chapter 76) - Wed 28 Apr 2010

What a beautiful ending to a beautiful story. I have to say that I really enjoyed reading this piece of work. I am so glad that Masaru and Kya were able to get back together, I had a feeling they were meant for each other. The whole promise ring thing was so sweet too. I mean what girl would have said no, lol. Again I really loved this story and I'm glad it ended on a most postive note.

dayna (Chapter 75) - Fri 16 Apr 2010

I LOVE this chatper. I just love the way Masaru and Kagome have such a close connection. Its funny how they can sit and talk to each other about their love lives so casually, kind of reminds me of the relationship between me and my aunt.

On another note that pup of theirs is sooooooooooo adorable I mean can he get any cuter, like Kagome said he is so going to have ALL the girls after him when hes older, what a treat that will be lol. That just makes me think that I am actually glad that Sessh and Kags had a boy because if they would have had a daughter, lol I can just imagine the day she notices boys, man that would be funny.

Well i cant wait for another update. I love all your stories expecially this one.

dayna (Chapter 57) - Tue 13 Apr 2010

Man this is getting really intense. I really hope that Masaru's girlfriend can get out of what she is into. I really think she will be good for Masaru. That Tanaka guy, i really dont like him but I have a really good feeling that his brother Minoru is gonna end up as an ally instead of an enemy, I just have to find that out.

On another note, I really like your character Hunter, he is a sexy beast even though he is human. I really like him and I have to say that Satomi really caught her a good one. The whole dress-up scene with Sessy looking all regal was so SEXY!!! LOL Cant wait for the pup to be born and find out how they handle the ups and downs of parenthood.

Well off to

Tana_san (Chapter 75) - Mon 12 Apr 2010

Good to see that you were able to continue this. It's nice to see how life after baby goes on and that includes the relationships the others in their lives are since they're now a new family and the fallout from the Kenta incident is over.

I'm glad that Kya and Masaru were able to get back together but with Aria not wanting to "lose" her son, she may just do that. Doesn't seem like Yash and Masaru talking to her is helping and Kya can do only so much to show she truly regrets what happened and that she loves Masaru more than ever. Aria needs an intervention before Masaru moves out on his own to avoid his mom. Maybe getting pregnant again would be a good idea...

Perhaps getting Aria invovled with Satomi's and Hunter's wedding preparations might help keep her mind occupied. Satomi is a mother and she'd be very good with understanding how Aria feels. Just a thought.

It was also sweet to see how Sesshoumaru has eased into his role as mate and father. He's also learned to accept having the others around and trys as well as succeeds in interacting with them...something he didn't want to do. I like him like this. He trys to be more understanding and tolerable to the others. A nice change in his character, which after living through so many years and changes, makes sense.  JEN

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