Reviews for Seclusion by Oroyukae

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moonstar31548 (Chapter 12) - Fri 21 Aug 2009
That was hot! Kagome is one lucky girl. Update soon.

knifethrower (Chapter 11) - Fri 21 Aug 2009
You update so quickly, I almost overlooked this chapter! It would have been pretty confusing if I had, HE SPEAKS! If the guy looking for her is a demon, is he her boyfriend? Have they "been" together? Can Sess tell? I can't wait to find out...

loveless (Chapter 12) - Fri 21 Aug 2009
Oh God! That was HOT! Why did you stop there? It was just geting exciting. You are so mean to stop where you did. You have to update quickly. I demand it. I will gladly beg if I must.

Miss.Undo (Chapter 12) - Fri 21 Aug 2009
That was..delicious! Fantastic. Please update soon. I want to see the after shoock of what they ")

Miss.Undo (Chapter 12) - Fri 21 Aug 2009
That was..delicious! Fantastic. Please update soon. I want to see the after shoock of what they ")

Saholia (Chapter 12) - Fri 21 Aug 2009
Holly shit woman! That was HAWT! Update...NOW! lol...that just made me wanna jump him...xD Hmmm....wonder if he'll want to give her up so easily now. :D

stars (Chapter 12) - Fri 21 Aug 2009
please updata

TruGemini (Chapter 12) - Fri 21 Aug 2009
You get me all the way to that part then stop? Noooooo it wqas so tempting, then you cut me off..Why? Why Oroyukae? Please update soon!

Miss.Undo (Chapter 11) - Fri 21 Aug 2009
Now she has a name to moan out in her dreams of him! lol. Well hope you update soon I can't wait for her to freak out and say oh my kami your not mute.?!?!?!? Please update soon I can't wait to read more.")

Snowfall (Chapter 11) - Fri 21 Aug 2009
Oh squee! He finally talked. I am enjoying this immensely and can't wait to see the outcome. You've done a great job with the introspection and the build in sexual tension. Poor guy is so hard up and he didn't even know it. LOL Can't wait to see how this ends. ^_^

moonstar31548 (Chapter 11) - Fri 21 Aug 2009
This was a great chapter! Yes, he finally spoke! Update soon.

TruGemini (Chapter 10) - Fri 21 Aug 2009
And so it begins...Why was she run off and who was that idiot? Can't wait for more details to surface.

TruGemini (Chapter 8) - Fri 21 Aug 2009
Poor Sess, it seems his seclusion has really caused other problems he never thought about.

TruGemini (Chapter 6) - Thu 20 Aug 2009
Now why would she be nervous? I don't know, maybe because you just look at her and not say a word, maybe? LOL Sess is in over his head.

TruGemini (Chapter 5) - Thu 20 Aug 2009
Ah temptation. I see Sess is really going to have a battle with himself now that she is awake.

Saholia (Chapter 10) - Thu 20 Aug 2009
Awww--why do I get the feeling he won't want to give that up(her warm welcoms with food and tea) Great chapter. Now I'm even more excited to see what happened that made Kagome run away like that... Who's the man that caused her to leave? I'm so anxious lol!

knifethrower (Chapter 10) - Thu 20 Aug 2009
Wow, I don't like Ayumi already. You are so good at that. One sentence, and pow, the reader has that character pegged. And who's the guy? Is he the demon? It can't be Inuyasha, can it? I'm so curious, I must find out more soon!

CritterWhisperer (Chapter 10) - Thu 20 Aug 2009
Wow, you just keep cranking out the chapters. How do you keep your muse working so hard? Now I'm really intrigued to know what happened between Kagome and that guy. And what might Sesshoumaru do now? Bring Kagome to her friends so that no one further trespasses on his mountain? Seems the most likely, but what would be the fun in that? I look forward to the next update.

phishbon3s (Chapter 10) - Thu 20 Aug 2009
Everytime I read that he was wearing a flannel shirt, I kept picturing Huge Jackman from the Wolverine Origins movie. I thank you for that! You have put me in my happy place, abeit unintentially.

phishbon3s (Chapter 10) - Thu 20 Aug 2009
I am greatly enjoying this fic, please update soon! I understand the subtlety in Sesshoumaru's reluctance to speak infront of his guest, Kagome and find this fic intriguing because of it and the suspence of it is killing me! Please keep up the good work!

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