Reviews for Seclusion by Oroyukae

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WiccanMethuselah (Chapter 15) - Mon 24 Aug 2009
STAY, Kagome, STAY!!! Your writing always makes me want to shout things at the characters on the screen, did you know that? Yes, I suppose that makes me very odd, but it's true. Another beautiful chapter, so full of emotion and subtlety! And, still, you keep the story moving right along... you are amazing. As always, I will wait eagerly to see what our heroine decides to do - how her decision weighs on her - and how our hero takes it. There are still so many ways this story could go, I can't even begin to guess where you'll take us all! :-) ~~Wiccan~~

Saholia (Chapter 15) - Mon 24 Aug 2009
YAY!!!! I hope she stays! Wonderful chapter as always!

loveless (Chapter 15) - Mon 24 Aug 2009
Love, love, love it! Please update soon. I need more of this story. Which has become an addiction. I'm not complaining though.

Miss.Undo (Chapter 14) - Sun 23 Aug 2009
Please update that so romantic. Hope she doesnt end up leaving.. I mean come on who would leave? Hawt demon, cozzy cabin, and a beautiful view!! Well the story is going great please update as soon as you can!

Saholia (Chapter 14) - Sun 23 Aug 2009
Beautiful chapter! I can totally see Sesshomaru slowly trying to integrate Kagome into his world--even if he doesn't know it yet. Very nice!

loveless (Chapter 14) - Sun 23 Aug 2009
Great chapter. Please update soon.

Tana_san (Chapter 13) - Sat 22 Aug 2009
I respectfully bow to you, my friend, for appeasing my insatible need to read and imagine your unique way of engaging our beloved couple in the throws of sex. I very thoroughly enjoyed every minute and can't wait to see where this is going to go from there. I, too, agree with Sesshoumaru, if only those dang questions could have given him a brief time to enjoy what he and Kagome had just shared. I bet she too, is thinking the same thing. Well, it's time to sleep some more as I only come online because I got this intense feeling that you had posted the lemonade I had requested. I will see you again tomorrow. Goodnight, Lady O. You have secured that my dreams this evening will be good ones...JEN

Miss.Undo (Chapter 13) - Sat 22 Aug 2009
oh man, he is such a dork over thinking everything. i hope he doesnt let her go that easy they are perfect for eachother. please update soon i love it.")

loveless (Chapter 13) - Sat 22 Aug 2009
I soo LOVED this. So exciting. I makes me want to jump Seshomaru here a now. Sesshomaru better not mess up their growing relationship with over thimking. I wonder what they will do next. I need MORE. Please update soon.

knifethrower (Chapter 12) - Sat 22 Aug 2009
Oh, dear meeee.............

WiccanMethuselah (Chapter 13) - Sat 22 Aug 2009
Oh, THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! I am flattered and deeply honored that one of my favorite authors found my suggestion worthwhile! And I loved the way it was used as well... until his eyes bled, indeed. Ya gotta love Hoover! *snicker* You write so beautifully; I adore this story for all the layers of introspection and the build up to their joining. As well, I admire your ability to put something like this together and churn out so very much in such a short time-frame. Your stories are so deliciously complex, your 'cliffhangers' are so intense, and the guessing is almost endless as to what is coming next. Having read everything you've posted here, I now just sit and wait helplessly for the next chapter - mostly because I know that, whatever *I* guess, it isn't going to come close to what you give us. You can have no idea how much your writing has helped me through the past couple of months, while I was wallowing in the depths of a nasty bout of depression. Reading your work was one of the few things I sincerely looked forward to every time you updated. Thank you, both for the honor of using my suggestion, and for the hours of enjoyment you've provided me during an otherwise rather dark period in my life. :-) ~~Wiccan~~

phishbon3s (Chapter 12) - Sat 22 Aug 2009
Lately, I have been feeling burnt out on sex scenes and mourn the loss of the thrill in reading one (causing me to usually skip over them as they seem to be following the same pattern repeatedly). However, I am now singing praise for yours. The long lost thrill came back and we haven't even entered the carnal act yet! I am so very grateful for your writing prowess at bringing something fresh to the table (so to speak). The heady feel of a blush as hit me full force and I couldn't be happier. Your chapter 12 is now considered my favorite sex scene (albeit, foreplay). Thank you again!

Saholia (Chapter 13) - Sat 22 Aug 2009
Woman--That was HAWT!!!!! I want more...LOL. The 'hoover' comment had me laughing my ass off! This was just incredible! But...what now? Will he still let her go so easily when the search party arrives looking for her? Will he force her to leave and then change his mind and try and go after her? OMG I'm dying to know what's gonna happen next! lol

Soudesuka_Shurikens (Chapter 12) - Fri 21 Aug 2009
hehe..loving every minute of it!!!

Kai (Chapter 12) - Fri 21 Aug 2009

Priscilla (Chapter 12) - Fri 21 Aug 2009
hi i absolutely love your story.please update soon. Please don't let Kagome be a journalist or something

Tana_san (Chapter 12) - Fri 21 Aug 2009
Oh how things have progressed as I've slept my time away. I seemed to get this awful virus going around and combined with my own problems, it's been a virtual hell on my body. But anyway...Kagome's friends are searching for her. One would think after finding the car and no body that she would be dead with all the snow and ice. By the way it sounds the snow is deep enough to cover a dead body but they had to try. You know I like the sexual tension between their two auras and having their energies enveloping one another. I do hope you finish the sexcapade for us. I mean, the guy has had it for how long? I can imagine the whole thing but I really enjoy when you indulge me with the details. You make great and tasty lemonade and I am sure others like it too but are too shy to ask. Goodnight for now. I need to go to sleep again but just couldn't wait to see what you posted. Gentle Hugs, JEN

CritterWhisperer (Chapter 12) - Fri 21 Aug 2009
Wow, I read ch 11 earlier today before I had to run off to work and I was so excited then because Sesshoumaru had finally spoken. Then I get home and see that you updated again. Yay, what a great end to my day. And what a chapter! I'm sitting on the edge of my seat, hyperventilating and waiting for the next bit of the scene. Attack him like a sex-crazed female, Kagome! Wouldn't any of us do the same?

1CarinoInu (Chapter 12) - Fri 21 Aug 2009
Ahh, sweet torture, leaving us all hanging like that! Looking forward to the next update!

moonstar31548 (Chapter 12) - Fri 21 Aug 2009
That was hot! Kagome is one lucky girl. Update soon.

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