Reviews for Seclusion by Oroyukae

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Tana_san (Chapter 18) - Wed 26 Aug 2009
Aahhhhh!!!The fangirl in my head is jumping up and down like a school girl ('cause you know I can't literally jump up and down). There are more InuYoukai alive! WooHoo! And Yasha baby is ALIVE! Maybe this will aide in getting Sesshoumaru off that dang least to get Kagome. Why is it that that when they were searching for Kagome before the official search teams did Ayumi and the other person seem to know there was some kind of fight or something but Kagome still knows nothing about it? Hasn't she seen or talked to them since her return? It would seem to me that they would be one of the first one's contacted unless the Yoshirou is keeping them from knowing anything. But then that brings me to think about news reports, she was in the news just after her rescue...maybe they didn't see it?'s good to know InuYasha is alive and well. If I'm up later tonight I'll check in again to see if you posted more. Until I get better you are the only one I come to see. Later, Lady O. JEN

Miss.Undo (Chapter 18) - Wed 26 Aug 2009
Please get kagome back to her mountian man! they need each other aww inuyasha is in it! oh once agina update as soon as possible. ")

Saholia (Chapter 18) - Wed 26 Aug 2009
YAY! OMG I LOVE YOU! He is alive! I'm so excited to see where this will go. You were definitively right--shocking twists!

loveless (Chapter 18) - Wed 26 Aug 2009
Wow! So exciting. I did not expect this at all. Please update soon.

phishbon3s (Chapter 18) - Wed 26 Aug 2009
Dun - dun - da -dahhhhhhhhhhh! *giggle* Sorry, I had an dramatic prarie dog moment in the last sentence! The suspence, it kills me. *whimpers* Post again, woman! *huggles* please!

Tana_san (Chapter 17) - Tue 25 Aug 2009
Wow, I woke up, grabbed a sandwich and sat down to read the confrontation after she ran out of the cabin, only to find she had been rescued. Can't tell you how much the tears in my eyes are burning. I feel such a sense of loss, emptiness. I guess after that memory she just had to go back but I don't know, I think I would have stayed just because I was in an accident, alone, in a remote area that no intelligent person would be driving in a snowstorm. Those facts alone coupled with nothing like luggage in the trunk would make me suspicious as to why I was even out there. I would have stayed and waited for more of my memory to return. But that's just me. Sessh hasn't found the note because it's in the sofa somehow, ne? Maybe under the afgan or pillow or maybe it blew under it when the door was opened. Either way, it still remains, she left. Poor Sessh. Gotta go. I'll check in later. JEN

loveless (Chapter 17) - Tue 25 Aug 2009
I hope Sesshomaru and Kagome come together again really soon. Please update quickly.

Saholia (Chapter 17) - Tue 25 Aug 2009
This entire chapter is so sad and melancholy. I can definitely feel Kagome's confusion and I'm glad you threw in there that she had slept with her fiancee that first time--because it makes her confusion and the 'wanting' to have what she once had believable. I love Sesshomaru's feelings...there so true. Great chapter!

Miss.Undo (Chapter 17) - Tue 25 Aug 2009
She better get her skinny little ass back on the moutain next to her real man! Forget the other guy pretended to have abnesia or something go back!Please update soon i hope she figures out why she left her fiance in the first place and goes hiking back to sesshomaru! Once again please update soon!")

REDWOLF (Chapter 17) - Tue 25 Aug 2009
I feel sorry for Sesshoumaru, it is so sad. I hope it changes!

Saholia (Chapter 16) - Tue 25 Aug 2009
Oh goodness, where has she gone...could it be the little cave they'd fixed earlier? Poor Sesshomaru--I would of written his a little note for him and then left (who am I kidding--like heck I'd

Snowfall (Chapter 16) - Tue 25 Aug 2009
Noooooo! No, it can't be. This is so sad. *sobs and bawls* I bet he betrayed her and that's why she was out in that weather, that's why she doesn't have a ring. *sniffle* I'm so heartbroken for Sesshoumaru. I hope this gets cleared up soon.

knifethrower (Chapter 16) - Mon 24 Aug 2009
Oh, man! I just know she left Sesshy for a guy who either cheated on her or broke off their engagement.

sweetest angel (Chapter 16) - Mon 24 Aug 2009
poor poor sesshomaru! and kagome, in her precipitation and confusion is leaving before even having all her memories! baka! she could have at least leave a message for sesshomaru. it wouldn't have been enough but maybe it would have been a little less hurtful for him! the thing he did must probably be something about breaking the engagement or something as big to push kagome to run away as she did. what will sesshomaru do? will he try to find her or will he close himself off further? gah! it broke my heart to thing of him! please, update soon! love your story! :D

Tana_san (Chapter 16) - Mon 24 Aug 2009
Gee, you're up late tonight. I just come on after taking a long nap and here you are the first on the list. What a rotten thing to have happen now. To remember you belong to another when you just had the best sex you somehow know you had ever had. Now if Sesshoumaru finds her and tells her of the conversation he overheard between her friends then maybe she might think twice about leaving. Oh and leaving like that was just plain rude and wrong. She should have the guts to tell Sesshoumaru she remembers something and she feels she needs to leave so she doesn't complicate his life anymore then she has. She's starting to like being there and it's not fair to him or her family and friends when her memories are starting to return. Anything but just leaving so abruptly. Just when Sesshoumaru gives into his need and his inner inu's want a new and unwelcomed developement has to occur. Two great chapters. I'm back off to sleep. Curse this virus AND fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue...a nasty combination. JEN

TruGemini (Chapter 16) - Mon 24 Aug 2009
So I bet her fiance cheared and she busted him, right? LOl. Dammit, you leave Sess for an iffy situation? Needs to get it together..

TruGemini (Chapter 15) - Mon 24 Aug 2009
She doesn't need to leave. Just stay and keep Sess company. He needs you! Loving thus story. still wonder why she was out in a storm. That will be an interesting memory uncovered I bet.

Miss.Undo (Chapter 15) - Mon 24 Aug 2009
Yes he is serious! Stay and to hell with the outside world! Aww he wont atmide it but he really needs her to stay. Please update soon I love it!")

Snowfall (Chapter 15) - Mon 24 Aug 2009
Sesshoumaru's invitation for Kagome to stay was too sweet and highly unexpected. I have to wonder if she will take him up on the offer. She could let everyone know that she's okay and just refuse to tell them where she is. Your lemon was exhilarating and I'm sure that some of that was because of the build up. Thanks for such frequent updates. ^_^

knifethrower (Chapter 15) - Mon 24 Aug 2009
Oh, will she stay? You never make things that easy, though, do you? They are such a sweet couple in this story, I really like them. Poor Kagome must be quite conflicted, not remembering her past, but feeling a duty toward the people she doesn't even remember...

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