Reviews for Seclusion by Oroyukae

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adriana (Chapter 22) - Fri 28 Aug 2009
awww. poor sesshoumaru. I feel bad for him. update soon

CritterWhisperer (Chapter 21) - Fri 28 Aug 2009
Ahh, father and son bonding through trying to hide the truth from Mom. I bet Aria will find out what happened anyways. I can't to see what happens when Sesshoumaru finally breaks and comes for Kagome.

1CarinoInu (Chapter 21) - Fri 28 Aug 2009
Ah yes, it just keeps getting better and better. I look forward to Sesshoumaru losing his control and coming after Kagome. I wonder what may set him off to leave his solace, hmm?

REDWOLF (Chapter 21) - Fri 28 Aug 2009
Well now I at least know what Kagome's boyfriend is hiding. I think he's a jerk! I wish Sesshoumaru would come to her already. I just so love this story!! But just because I want Sesshoumaru to come to her now, does not mean I want you rush anything here. I really like how you have went with this story! I just can't wait until the fireworks (LOL)! I am glad the way you update, it keeps the story interesting!!

adriana (Chapter 21) - Fri 28 Aug 2009
What does Yoshiro need Kagome to sign???? and when is Sesshoumaru going to go looking for her?? update soon :)

Saholia (Chapter 21) - Fri 28 Aug 2009
LMAO!! "That woman was so sneaky and quiet that he often threatened to put a bell on her." This line had me laughing so hard! I can totally picture it too. :D The whole thing with Yoshirou is so intriguing now--I'm not sure if it's all about him cheating on Kagome any more. I'm anxious to know what will happen next! :)

malom (Chapter 21) - Fri 28 Aug 2009
Hmmm...I am starting to suspect what the papers to be signed are all about. Can't wait to find out if I'm right.

KAggie (Chapter 20) - Fri 28 Aug 2009
I have fallen victim to yet another of your amazing stories! I'm really itching to know if Ayumi will spill the beans! I hope she does so Kagome can get a rest from all her stress. And for her and Sesshoumaru to get back together again! :3 I'm such a poop. And oh how Sesshoumaru's gonna get a handful of activity thanks to her in the first place. I can't wait for more to come! :D

Saholia (Chapter 20) - Fri 28 Aug 2009
Alright! I hope Kagome gets straight answers...and I hope Sesshomaru get's off his sorrowful ass and goes looking for his woman! lol...

malom (Chapter 20) - Fri 28 Aug 2009
OMG! She is going to ask the wrong person...oh no...I wonder about the loyalty of her friends Miroku and Sango... Why do they continue to keep mum instead of trying to delicately apprise her of the situation? Certainly, anything almost leading to her demise would be urgent enough to merit disclosure? Ah, the suspense! A page turner indeed!

REDWOLF (Chapter 20) - Thu 27 Aug 2009
I would really dislike not knowing something about myself. I hope Kagome figures it out before Sesshoumaru stops caring! Great story! I look forward to your updates!!

Tana_san (Chapter 19) - Thu 27 Aug 2009
Thanks for answering some of my questions, though now I have a few more but I think I'll just wait to see what you have going from here. Hmm, maybe just one? Not that it's momumental or anything but is Masaru's mom human or youkai? inuyoukai? To me that would be great seeing as in most fics InuYasha is married to Kikyou, there by diluting the inuyoukai DNA. Yeah, stupid question but you don't want to hear my more indepth ones. They'd take up too much space. Oh and I, too, thought it wouldn't be too long before Sessh got it in him to go looking for Kagome. He did, infact, see the contents of her purse sooooo...yeah, g'night my friend. JEN

malom (Chapter 19) - Thu 27 Aug 2009
Waaah! The suspense is killing a good way. Oroyukae has established herself as a good brand name in sesskag fanfiction. I am able to read confidently knowing that the story would be mature and exciting, the updates would be regular, and the conclusion, whether happy or tragic, would be satisfying.

knifethrower (Chapter 19) - Thu 27 Aug 2009
These last two chapers are so INTERESTING. Inuyasha is still alive, and has a son. Kagome is still in the dark about what happened with her finace that caused her to go driving on the mountain. I hope she finds out in time...

Saholia (Chapter 19) - Thu 27 Aug 2009
So much mystery...I do wonder what caused Kagome to run away and what her fiancee's deal is.

TruGemini (Chapter 19) - Thu 27 Aug 2009
This seems like a definite setup to me. Sess needs to reclaim what's his. Something bad is coming, I just know it!

Snowfall (Chapter 19) - Thu 27 Aug 2009
Oooh, you're getting me all wound up! Things appear to be coming to a head. *claps hands in excitement* I wonder why Inuyasha is so sure that Sesshoumaru will come after Kagome. Could it be an Inu thing? Guess I'll have to wait to find out. ^_^ Thanks for the updates. I'll be dancing from foot to foot til the next one. ^_^

CritterWhisperer (Chapter 19) - Thu 27 Aug 2009
Ooh, you keep teasing us with what is going on between Kagome and her fiance. I want to know what the papers were about and why he needs a miko. Bringing in Inuyasha is great, too. I can't wait to see what happens when he and Sesshoumaru see each other again.

TruGemini (Chapter 18) - Wed 26 Aug 2009
Now Yasha knows that Sess is alive. When is the memory going to surface regarding Kagome and her fiance? I so want to know what the mystery is about!

Adriana (Chapter 18) - Wed 26 Aug 2009
so what did Yoshiro do to make Kagome drive in the snowstorm???? and what's Inuyasha going to do now that he knows Sesshoumaru is alive??

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