Great Chapter! How was Sesshomaru able to go through the well? I can just imagine him tracking Kagome to her school, busting into her classroom, making a scene wearing his feudal era attire, throwing her over his shoulder, and jumping out of the window to get back to the well! LOL! How is Kagome going to explain all of that to the modern era! Please update again soon! :)
thats fantastic!
Lena (Chapter 4) - Mon 26 Oct 2009
Wow this is a great story, I hope you update soon. It's really interesting, keep up the great work.
JK (Chapter 3) - Sat 10 Oct 2009
I Love the story hope that u continue
stars (Chapter 3) - Wed 07 Oct 2009
please updata
haha! nicely put. Loved kagome's last reaction.
MLMonty (Chapter 3) - Wed 07 Oct 2009
Seriously I have to agree with Kagome how does she do that? How do you show or teach (that one's really popular in ff) a person an emotion? Though it WOULD be funny to watch her try and fail to do so. Emotions must be experienced not taught or shown. It's like trying to teach someone hatred. You can point out examples or try to describe it but in the end they won't understand till they expereince it and you can't force someone to experience an emotion.
*sessho plots* "how to confuse miko!" take 1 :3 i liked this a lot!
That wasn't bad. not bad at all. A challenge that has the result of either them being together or getting her freedom? I think it fits with your story.
It was a great chapter. It certainly facilitated a relationship between Kagome and Sesshomaru. I can't wait to see what will come of it...
autumngold (Chapter 3) - Tue 06 Oct 2009
Stupid Inuyasha. However, what did Kagome expect? She knew he had a living, breathing Kikyo now, why would he wait for her? Oh well, she's better off without him! Thank you for the update! I can't wait to find out how Kagome tries to show Sesshoumaru what love is and why it's important. Post again soon please!
pinkslytherin (Chapter 1) - Sat 08 Aug 2009
love the story! cant see what will happen
pinkslytherin (Chapter 2) - Sat 08 Aug 2009
loved the chapter!
pinkslytherin (Chapter 2) - Wed 05 Aug 2009
Can't wait to see kagome adapt to the palace life!
Interesting first beginning and different. It's just that she let herself become the 'sacrifice' a little too easy and without asking questions first. Back then female slaves offered as gifts to lords usually became their concubine. Is she so dumb as to not know that? I just got the feeling that she was not taking the situation as seriously as she should have. And, by the way, exactly what kind of woman was he expecting to receive? I wonder if my suspicions are correct.
REDWOLF (Chapter 2) - Sat 01 Aug 2009
This is good, real good! I can't wait for the update!!
Zesaika (Chapter 1) - Mon 13 Jul 2009
This sounds really interesting! Please continue!!
Noooooooooooooo, how could you end it there you meaney? I really liked it, and can not wait to read more of it!! :)
Hey, I'm loving your story so far! One thing though, on the summary you might want to edit that. You have some gramatical errors, and most people don't read stories that have errors in the summary because it makes it seem as if the story will have many errors as well. But in your story they are actually minimal! Imagine my surprise! So if you fix that, I'm sure a LOT more people would read it! Hope this helps!
Beautiful Morning Sun
Very very interesting.....can't wait until the next chapter:)
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