Love this story and I really hope you come back to finish it one day. ?
April (Chapter 14) - Wed 06 Sep 2023
Love this story. I hope you work on it some more. Have a great day.
Can't wait till they start having to act like they are in a relationship the fake dating trope is alive and well. Love it
I was so looking forward to more story develpment here, this felt more like filler but i'm glad non the less that there was updates on the story. i'll be back when you upload like 5 more chapters lol.
I love the premise its very original and your description and detail wondeful. I really hope you dont give up on this story cant waitbfor your next chapter
anna (Chapter 13) - Mon 03 Jun 2019
Please continue this. I love it. I can't wait to see what happens when sesshomarus hears the council wants to meet him and kagomi together to see how "worthy" she is. And how she will somehow befriends or gets the pity of the assassin sent to kill her..
I wonder if Issie will change loyalties to Kagome. And will he try and attack in the hotsprings lol.still look forwart to any updates.
Plz update it's been so long pls plz pkz plz plz
I love the details you have put in this fic so fa it is very descriptive and i cannot wait to see what the next chapter holds.
Plz do update waiting for so long ur stories r mind blowing reafing them.again n agin what to plz do update
Hahaha, I love when Kouga and Inuyasha had an argument XD
Keep posting!!!
Great chapter! I can't wait to see what happens next!
Just so you know, spare is as in a spare tire while spar is mock combat
I can't wait to read more!
Hope for more updates.
maria (Chapter 12) - Mon 10 Apr 2017
Me gusta mucho como estas presentando la historia y a los personajes originales! Espero una pronta actualización.
Esta historia promete mucho
I realy love your story, it’s the best thing I ever read. I hate Kurai with all my heart.
Love your story. I would love it you updated more often and maybe have each chapter a little longer.
I remember this fic! I'm so happy to see your updating again! Eep! XD
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