That was extremely humorous in all of it's evilness. Doesn't Inu know never mess with a woman's rose bushes??
Star...*glomples* You. Are. A. Genius! I mean it! Smittee would give you five star, if I didn't eated one. *sees people looking at her strange* What? I was curious! Anyways, here's the four I didn't eat. And..and...How do I make up for the 5th? I know! *gives you mikshake* There!
You know, I wouldn't have minded being there, during said time. I would have tape recorded EVERYTHNG that happened. XD Then, I woul dhave made copies and sold them! Mwahahahaha! I may have died from it, but it would have been worth it!
Anyways, I HAD to read this, when i saw the word 'fairies'. you knwo how Smittee likes faeries! *tries to put one in EVERY fanfiction* Wait..There weren't any in Wonders...O.O wonder what came over me?
Anywhoooo! I like how Sesshomaru's anger was melted with some good ole torture of anotehr being. Makes the Smittee laughs like crazy, and smirk. (Although, it makes Ceddie smirk too, but that's just because there was clear pain in all of it.)
Tres fantastique! And now, at the strangest moment of the review, I will stop