Holy cow that was amazing!! I loved how you didn't just jump right to the smut, but gave us a little bit of back-story. Made me appreciate the smut that much more :)
You are very, very talented!!
Usually I like your stories but this chapter was definitely not my cup. It´s O.K. if a partner wants to submit to the other in a relationship and both of them enjoy it. My issues are that Ayame betrayed Kagome in the worst way and that it was rape even if Kagome wanted Sesshomaru to take her afte he excited her so much; a natural reaction. Kagome should have beat the shit out of Ayame for doing that to her. I´m not a feminist but I´m very independent and still believe in healthy reltationships with equal partnerships. I did not see that in this story and Sesshoumaru clearly thought females below him, a male. I can´t stand males like that. My partner is strong were I´m not and the same goes for him. You see, it´s not that one of the partners submitted to the other, it was because the male thought the female SHOULD submit to him and forced her to "educate" her. I call that brainwashing.
Wow. I just finished reading all of the chapters, and just loved them.
I look forward to more :)
As a feminist, I don't believe this story is bad. There are a variety of opinions about what feminism is, and I don't think there is a wrong one. For me, each woman should be able to make the CHOICE about what they want in their life. I really enjoy your stories and am always anxious to read when a new story comes out. It was the same with this one. I may not agree with all your opinions, or the way your stories play out, but I love your writing style and your imagination.
I think you will definitely get some reviewers who have issues with this one story and I think that will always be the case when you write about something controversial. Lol. The only problem I have with this story is the idea about "consensual rape." It is less stereotypical in your story, and it works out for the best, but sex that is unwanted (even if only at first) by one party is still rape. I know you kinda addressed it in the story itself, but just so you know. Overall however, I really love your stuff and can't wait for more! :)
Are you ever gonna finish the Pack Dynamics? Those are my fav! Breeder was also a good one!
That is really sweet. Outrageous? yes, but it makes a good point and totally made me hot! *smiles*
I loved this a lot. Your one shots are always good.
This is an awesome fanfic!!!! My fave is 'My Savior'. I hope you do a sequal to it. =D. Again awesome fanfic.
***SQUEALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL**** Oh I am so glad you updated this story--The cleaning closets--Inutashio got what he deserved so did his vidictive and horrible mate. Oh did Sesshoumaru impregnate her again, what happened with miyoga? Is there more please tell there is more to this. I cant wait for the next installment. So many questions. Please update sooon..
Love you and your work
Sunset Love
First i love all your stories than i've read....which is why i marked you a fav author ^-^.
and second i found this a little amusing "Sesshoumaru covered his lips with his to keep her from continuing to speak."
So sessy has two lips?!?!? lol keep up the good work!
Wow. What a turn of events. I've never actually seen the Inu no Taisho portrayed as a bad character. It was soooo creepy. Eeeee...
Great one-shot! This series is fantastic. I can't wait to see what you come up with next!
Both Sesshoumaru's mother and father are sick. His mother was just going to watch her mate rape Kagome? I think Sesshoumaru should have killed them both! I wouldn't trust either Kagome or Ichigo's safety while they're still alive. What a great update to your story! I'm so glad that Sesshoumaru was successful in his plans against his family!
A sequel to "Clearning Out the Closets"! Yesssss! Thank you soooo much!
wow...that was a wonderful conclusion....i love the way Sessh is such a good daddy in this...it had me 'awww'ing on more than one occasion:D....as always love these oneshots of yours!!! keep em up!!
Oh man I looooove this series, I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw it was updated !!!
This one was awesome, and hot as ever ;p
Is it bad that I'm already impatient for the next update ??
aww, that seemed so sweet to me. I just loved it. It was kind of tender and warm all mixed up with some hot sexiness. Hmm... As always hun you are a master.
I enjoyed your trapped series from Single spark. This last one, you must expand. It was superbly written. I loved it!
I'm so glad you updated again! Nice story! Or should I say HOT story! I'm so glad that they both felt the same connection, especially since Kagome spent the first few minutes talking about all of her ex demon boyfriends. Hope you post more soon!
INUYASHA © Rumiko Takahashi/Shogakukan • Yomiuri TV • Sunrise 2000No money is being made from the creation or viewing of content on this site, which is strictly for personal, non-commercial use, in accordance with the copyright.