This was definitely not what I was expecting when you said that this fic would involve the fey. I love how it's progressing right now. BTW - what's the deal w/ Kagome and Sesshou? Could you provide a back story to explain what happened in the past? And could you do a chappie about her miko training and her encounters with the faeries? Keep up the good work and update soon :P
Way to play with my emotions. :lol: I sympathize with Kagome's desperate need for some real sleep. In the end there, I felt bad for Sesshoumaru, and then I felt guilty on Kag's behalf, like I had betrayed her somehow. I'm intrigued, and I look forward to knowing more about their situation.
Thank you for sharing,
I know I'm talking to you in chat right now but still thought I'd review too. I love this story. Sesshoumaru seems so smexy. -grumbles at sesshoumaru that she is currently sitting on- Why can't you be that way with me. -sighs- He won't answer. Well I can't wait to find out how he got out. Not to mention how he's going to find her again not that she's out of his reach mentaly and for the moment physicly. POST SOOON OR I WIILLL BUG YOU ABOUT IT.
hugs and puppies
MontiK (Chapter 1) - Sat 14 Feb 2009
Amazing! I love it, it's uber suspenseful. More Smittee, More!! :P
SEB (Chapter 1) - Wed 11 Feb 2009
With a start like this one it should be combustable once they are each other's company.
l33t (Chapter 1) - Wed 11 Feb 2009
This is a great first chapter. It's quite well-written, and I'm sure you have your to thank for helping you out with that. ;) Also, I would like the congratulate you for knowing the difference between "lie" and "lay". Anyway, I can't wait to read more of this story. It's thrilling just to know that Sesshomar will find her sooner or later.
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