Such a terrible burden to carry for all those years. Great back story. Thanks for updating
Oh man that was so tragic I knew that kikyo had a child before the boys and I thought it had died at birth or was stillborn. But my mind did not think to them having a little girl as bright as Kagome and Rin only to be locked down and burned alive while her father tried to save the kids only for a miko to chain him from saving them.... If only Inu Yasha took her away that day or even stayed with her he could have saved a lot of children and the teachers.... This was a sad tale and I understand why Kikyo does what she does, even though its still wrong and Inu Yasha should tell Sesshomaru what the human doctors are doing to yokai.... But I am happy Inu Yasha over came his grief with Kikyo's help it may have given the kids a new life living as a human but nothing is better than your real self... I love the story of Keiko I hope her story gets told to Sesshomaru and Kagome.
Thank you for the update, I loved it. I hope you don't end the story just yet, I would love to see a few things fallow through and a brighter future for yokai.
Good to see him back!
Kathy (Chapter 28) - Fri 26 May 2023
Kagome and Kikyo share having lost a child. Even if it was in different ways. I'm glad Kikyo isn't just evil for the sake of it but has a reason even if misplaced.
Elizabeth (Chapter 28) - Thu 25 May 2023
I look forward to every chapter of this tale. Keep them coming!
I'm so glad he took that step! This is going to be a sad story. But perhaps it will explain what happened to Kikyo.
cristinPacheco8 (Chapter 28) - Thu 25 May 2023
Haber si Inuyasha se pone las pilas y manda a hacer puñetas ha esa vibora que solo sabe hacer daño incluso asus hijos esta historia es muy buena actualiza pronto
REDWOLF (Chapter 28) - Thu 25 May 2023
Wow...guessing Sesshoumaru knew but didn't tell.
A great chapter good to know Inu Yasha gave up the beads so he could take his true form. I can't wait to hear the story he needs to tell hoping Kagome and Sesshomaru will understand...
The Prince might be my crush. So level headed and open minded lol
REDWOLF (Chapter 27) - Sat 29 Apr 2023
Sad chapter!
Please update soon!!!!
Kathy (Chapter 27) - Fri 21 Apr 2023
I like that Kikyo and Inuyasha are written as complex people. I hate it when they make Kikyo ev8l just cause. The story is so much better when it's seen through a different perspective and experience.
What Kikyo Is doing is awful of course, but there needs to be to much more involved.
neelixo (Chapter 27) - Wed 19 Apr 2023
"On the children we still have".....
hw (Chapter 27) - Wed 19 Apr 2023
I wonder what happened to Kikyou and Inuyasha's other kids? He mentioned "the children we still have", how many did they have and what happened to them? Were they killed for being hanyou? Or couldn't control their youkai blood and lost themselves? Did Kikyou miscarry? Whatever happened was traumatic and is why she's so adamant about "human-only" children. I hope Inuyasha can get her to change her mind. I also hope the she has nothing to do with Kagome's ex. He's a youkai hater and would probably know about and support Kikyou's mission.
cristinPacheco8 (Chapter 27) - Wed 19 Apr 2023
Pero que bicho malo digo yo porqué se emparejo con el asta se dejó marcar si no queria tener hijos medio demonios, no tiene perdón lo que les está haciendo pasar a sus hijos
Heartbreaking chapter. I'm hoping for a better outcome for Inuyasha and his sons. Perhaps, he can sway Kikyo and change her heart.
Whoa...... Wait a minute... Did Kikyo subdue the yoki so she could have children without having miscariages? If that's the case she should have asked for help. I'm sure someone would have helped her... Love the update... I'm glad Inu Yasha seems to be coming back to himself...
Heart breaking. Heart breaking all around. I love how in depth you go into the problems of this world though. As a woman of color, it reminds me a lot of the hardships we've faced, which I'm sure as not by accident. In addition to the issues of domestic violence/women's rights etc... I'm happy that you've assured us that there will be a peaceful conclusion at least.
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