Reviews for Vice by susie

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Gimmemore75 (Chapter 27) - Fri 31 May 2024


D (Chapter 27) - Mon 28 Feb 2022

I have read this story twice now and I'm wondering are we gonna get an update or is this the end. I really need her to be with sesshomaru.  

Young Kagome (Chapter 26) - Fri 10 Dec 2021

Oooh I hope that doesn't come back to bite him!! Are they finally going to admit their love for each other & admit they want to be together? Hopefully!

Young Kagome (Chapter 25) - Sun 21 Nov 2021

Their banter is delightful. Are we getting another flashback next! To this birthday? I hope so! Please update soon! 

Young Kagome (Chapter 24) - Mon 15 Nov 2021

They made progress and then it got ruined. How sad. Please update soon! 

kagsbigfan (Chapter 24) - Mon 08 Nov 2021

Really love your stories. This Kagome and Sesshomaru are quite refreshing compared to other stories. Can't wait to see how their budding relationship eventually becomes what it is in the present and where it takes them in the future. Looking forward to your next update.

Young Kagome (Chapter 23) - Mon 18 Oct 2021

They're so cute lol! Please update soon!

Young Kagome (Chapter 22) - Thu 23 Sep 2021

I LOVE the flashbacks! It shows us what she's fighting so hard for!! It also makes me wish she started out with Sesshomaru lol but her relationship is as cute as it is on the show. Thank you! Please update soon! 

Purple Rain (Chapter 20) - Sat 18 Sep 2021

Nice update and insights. I’m not really sure where to start but I’m really beginning to dislike Kagome. I’m not sure Sesshomaru isn’t misplacing his trust in her. She knows his history with Rin and I believe she absolutely knows she is hurting him with their current situation (3 some). While I understand not wanting to give up on your marriage, for the most part she already has. She is sleeping with her brother in law. No matter the spin she tries to put on it or justification. Sesshomaru, while admirable that he wants to help damaged females in need. He also needs a reality check. He needs to break his pattern and refer these females for counseling and move on. I know that’s not how life works or feelings for that matter but it is ultimately a choice. I wish he would make the choice to heal and only be there for her in the capacity that she needs ...let’s face it a f**k buddy. He needs to emotionally detach and give another woman a chance to truly love him. Only then will Kagome wake up and stop stringing him along. I really don’t see the appeal but it could just be something I’m missing. We like to think that everyone is special and unique but really, I’m sure there are women in this universe that are kind, loving, trustworthy and worthy of a good man. Don’t really get how you can want a sibling’s spouse but that’s just me because I guess it happens but at some point you’ll have to let go or hurt the sibling one way or another. Otherwise, I’m enjoying the pictures that you paint with your words and despite my frustrations, I’m enjoying reading this story. I al like seeing the progress of the characters in the flashbacks. Abuse is difficult all around and choices even more so but I remain hopeful. Please keep up the good work.  ~PR~


Young Kagome (Chapter 20) - Sat 18 Sep 2021

I 10000% feel him!!! I'm trying to not get my hopes up that there's progress, but I want there to be progress!! I can't wait to see how she confronts Inuyasha. Please update soon! 

Young Kagome (Chapter 19) - Fri 17 Sep 2021

I'm glad Kagome wasn't mad and I'm glad he didn't push celebrity girl away for Kagome! Please update soon! 

Young Kagome (Chapter 18) - Mon 06 Sep 2021

Loved it! Steamy fun in the dressing room. I'm so sad she sees how happy she can be with him and won't take that step! Killin me. Please update soon! 

Young Kagome (Chapter 17) - Sun 05 Sep 2021

They're cute! Why do I feel like this is a calm before the storm? Did I miss something in the flashback or are we getting more?! Can't wait to find out. Long time no see!! Thank you for updating! Please update soon! 

Lauren (Chapter 16) - Sun 08 Aug 2021

Well that was very upsetting. Poor Rin. And poor Sesshomaru not being able to save her. I want better for them 

Purple Rain (Chapter 16) - Sun 13 Jun 2021

Wow powerful chapter in a wonderful story. Thank you for sharing this with us. I just have a few questions though, what happened to the first and third kids? Does he have contact with the family still? Are they being abused too? I'm being vague to avoid spoilers for anyone who reads the reviews before starting a story. Also, how old are Kagome and Inuyasha because it seems like they should all be the same age or one year younger if Sesshomaru is only 16 in this flashback. And I'd like to know why Inuyasha drinks and does drugs at such a young age. I look forward to reading more soon and please keep up the good work.



Young Kagome (Chapter 16) - Sat 12 Jun 2021

Now I feel like she's being abusive and needy in the future. She knows he has a save-a-ho agenda and she still continues to let herself be abused in whatever way. Using him to make himself feel better. Now he feels responsible for her. I'm irritated!! Hopefully you prove me wrong or give me a different outlook. Please update soon! 

Young Kagome (Chapter 15) - Fri 04 Jun 2021

I actually liked her view. It's refreshing. So much of so many plots of Sess/Kag are about what species their kid will be. To have a break from that, even though they're both human in this as far as I can tell, is nice. I'm not one to judge what women do with their bodies, and no one else should be either. So anyone who is upset about it needs to get over themselves. Not wanting and not able to are different but you didn't say not able to so it really shouldn't be a trigger. But everything's a trigger nowadays. Good luck with that. Anyways I had a lover confess to killing someone to me before! We were drinking too. It was startling! I'm curious to see the reason and how Kagome reacts! Please update soon! 

Young Kagome (Chapter 14) - Thu 27 May 2021

I liked this chapter and I like Euphoria. Unfortunately I can't remember which line you stole which makes me wanna go watch it again! Please update soon! 

Yamagomori (Chapter 14) - Thu 27 May 2021

Noooo don't feel it back lol really Injoyed this one

Young Kagome (Chapter 13) - Tue 25 May 2021

Don't tell me Sesshomaru was giving her sexy eyes before they even talked lmao! Or was he just staring like how he usually does. Aww the brothers not hating each other is just gonna make it harder for Sesshomaru and Kagomes little trysts! It would make more sense if they hated each other, but if they like each other and Sesshomaru still did that to him well sheesh that's brutal. Buuut I like this twist I can't wait to see where you go with it! Please update soon! 

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