Heh!! Sess would make a pretty girl, but good grief!! Was not expecting that AT ALL!! Seriously looking forward to reading more!
Hola,me atrapó tu historia desde el principio me encanta la pareja y es más solo leo y busco historias de Sesshomaru y Kagome y es la primera ves que leo de un personaje que sea aún peor que Naraku me encanta voy a seguir tu historia por eso te pido por favor que actualices pronto me muero por la intriga...
Hola,me atrapó tu historia desde el principio me encanta la pareja y es más solo leo y busco historias de Sesshomaru y Kagome y es la primera ves que leo de un personaje que sea aún peor que Naraku me encanta voy a seguir tu historia por eso te pido por favor que actualices pronto me muero por la intriga...
Wow Masamaru is sick. I love it! Lol this story is refreshing and I enjoy it immensely . Can’t wait for the update !
Absolutely loving the story so far. I like how already within their interactions Sesshoumaru and Kagome are learning about each other. There's an honest potential for a deeper relationship. Looking forward to walking this story with you. Great work.
R2A3 (Chapter 3) - Sun 08 Sep 2019
I like it. This story has great potential! I like that they actually communicate and the sincerity between them. The storytelling (it feels like the story moves forward even if they've mostly talked) sprinkled with the dry comments like "it wasn't a request" makes it really enjoyable to read. Looking forward to more!
Sesshomaru seems so sweet. I'm loving there interactions
Well, that was really unexpected! Geeze Masaru is really messed up. I hope Kagome and Sess can work things out and not fall into Masaru's cletches D:
I cant wait! Banging entrance, I'm addicted already. I adore all thr characterization of all the characters and the detail of situations. I hope you update soon!
This is getting interesting. I'm not a kikyou fan but I like how you gave her some redeeming qualities. The story is well written and I like the flow of it as well. That makes it easier to read without hoping from one place or emotion to the next. I hope we can get a bit more back story on the exact details of the deal kagome made with kikyou. Why keep it from miroku when his training could help with the soul tugging, even though she didn't wish to burden him? Is it because miroku would have felt the male protective need to speak to inuyasha about the situation on kagome's behalf? What will sesshomaru's proposition hold for kagome and her pack?
Anonymous (Chapter 2) - Wed 04 Sep 2019
Are they secretly mated
Lauren (Chapter 2) - Wed 04 Sep 2019
You are back! And you started a another interesting story. I cannot wait to see what is next for Kagome, and what exactly Sesshomaru has to make it back to court for.
Interesting start! I look forward to seeing where it goes!
I have so many questions now! @_@ I hope you update soon, I'm hooked!
!!!!!! Ooooops!!! ;-D
Really like so far. Great style. Grabbed my interest quick. Ready for more. Happy to see from your profile page that you update regularly. Read you soon!????
Ow I don't want to wait for the next que update <\\\3 Love everyone's interactions and characterization, mainly Kagome, Sesshomaru, Shippo and Kilala <3 I love the flow of the story so far, please don't take too long on the next chapters, if I could be so greedy x'D Thanks you for taking the time to share your hard work with us !
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