Hello ????
I do hope u update soon it's getting soo good and I can't wait to read more!! I keep coming back looking to see if there's an update :P
(Btw this is my first ever review! :D)
Poor both kagomes, can't believe inuyasha forced himself on her infront of Sesshomaru like that. ????
Please update soon ????
I'm so glad to see this story active again! Thank you for coming back!
This is interesting! Very unique. I can't believe Inuyasha did that! Knowing some of what happened to other Kagome. Cmon dude I was kinda rooting for you. Now it's time for Sesshomaru to swoop in. All according to Other Sesshomarus plan!!! Please update soon!
Wow! I forgot how much I love this story! Can't wait to read more!
wow this is an interesting piece! so love this story and cant wait to read more, definitely on the edge of my seat to see what will happen in this story. Such good work on this one!
I'm so excited to see what happens next! I'd almost given up hope of this story continuing.
So Takehiko is working with his father. That's not at all what I expected. I thought he was upset with his brother because of the harm they'd face due to Soichiro's actions. But maybe he's not as afraid and resentful of his father as the other children are. That's somehow more disturbing. Fingers crossed he's just doing this to help their mother..
I get what the plan is now. Sesshomaru! knew how Inuyasha would act when Sesshomaru and Kagome returned, and was counting on him betraying her trust so Kagome wouldn't have anyone else to turn to in the next few days. How vile. All to hide the fact that Kagome! was attacked and is a self-induced coma? He's ridiculous.
So sorry to hear about your recent loss. Hoping you're taking it easy
Poor Lady Kagome. Her torture is so depressing because she's been trapped with a monster for fifteen years. The only safety she has is in locking herself away from everyone and everything. But the poor babies ????
Ah! You updated. I'm hoping you're doing well and starting to feel better.
Yayy thank you for the update!! This story is so complex and intriguing. Very interesting dynamics evolving between these three :)
Wow, this story has so many layers to it. Beautiful job. I also love that the original Kags and Sessh are able to learn from the mistakes they see happened to the 'Other' ones. Also, I have hope that the glimpses of a bond I see between Sessh and Inu will allow them to all three come to some understanding or agreement that doesn't result in all the pain that can follow.
So excited to see you finally come back to us! So sorry to hear about your loss.
Thank you so much for the update. This story is amazing and I can't wait for the next update.
Great story! I love it!! Keep up the great work!
Thank you for the update! It was short but glad you're continuing the story. Can't wait to read the next one
I am so happy you are back and continuing this story.. Its one of its kind and I can't wait to read how all this comes together and ends. Please dont stop writing.
What an update!! Welcome back, welcome back. I am so sorry for your lost. I get taking a hiatus when it comes to loss. Thank you for returning and have the strength to finish this wonderfully written story for us. I greatly appreciate it!!
totally can't wait until you next update with the new moon, I'm so happy that Kagome said what she said to Inuyasha. Like TF!
Wow nice chapter can't believe Inu Yasha had forced himself on Kagome just so she would have mating mark..... What an ass.... Anyways, I'm glad your back I look forward to more chapters in the future.... We owe Janis a lot of virtual cookies for having you update.
Re-reading this story. I'm so anxious to read what happens next.
I love your story so far, please keep up the good work.
INUYASHA © Rumiko Takahashi/Shogakukan • Yomiuri TV • Sunrise 2000No money is being made from the creation or viewing of content on this site, which is strictly for personal, non-commercial use, in accordance with the copyright.