Reviews for My Past My Future by Sakuria

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Alashia (Chapter 9) - Wed 14 Nov 2018

O wow! The last part this chapter was too funny!

LoveAndFaith (Chapter 9) - Mon 12 Nov 2018

More, please update the next chapter quickly!

Buttercream (Chapter 9) - Mon 12 Nov 2018

Ha Ha . You tell them Kagome.

KShadeslady (Chapter 8) - Tue 06 Nov 2018

Nice update! Lots of action. I saw a few editing errors, like Inuyasha calling the doctor (Kagura) a he. Just watch those, it makes the story choppy.   I’m looking forward to the next chapter. 

Orotami (Chapter 8) - Sat 03 Nov 2018

Wow! What a story so far! Really great plot and your characters are beautifully written. I can't wait to see what happens next. 

Alashia (Chapter 8) - Sat 03 Nov 2018

Great story! I'm ready for the next chapter!

LoveAndFaith (Chapter 8) - Fri 02 Nov 2018

Nice chapter, please update the next chapters quickly!

KShadeslady (Chapter 7) - Tue 09 Oct 2018

Very nice update. Oh boy! That’s going to cause a ruckus! I think Sesshomaru’s Beast is going to make him crazy. LOL

LoveAndFaith (Chapter 7) - Tue 09 Oct 2018

Great story, please update the next chapters quickly!

Toni (Chapter 7) - Tue 09 Oct 2018

so glad you updated this story really enjoy it  hope to see more chapters soon  keep up the great work

Sesskagaddict89 (Chapter 7) - Tue 09 Oct 2018

Ohhh I can tell this is gonna be AMAZING! 

LadyoftheLemons (Chapter 6) - Mon 02 Jul 2018

So far I am liking it please keep going

Fallingyuki (Chapter 6) - Sun 13 Aug 2017

I love the fact that Kagome stood up to him.

KShadeslady (Chapter 6) - Sun 06 Aug 2017

Wonderful update! Looking forward to finding out who this evil doer is. Thanks so much. 

Valasaurus (Chapter 6) - Fri 04 Aug 2017

Oh sess... you'd think he of all people would listen to his beast

REDWOLF (Chapter 6) - Thu 03 Aug 2017

Glad you're the best. Sesshoumaru acts so clueless sometimes. Please update soon :)




REDWOLF (Chapter 5) - Mon 13 Feb 2017

HaHa! I like little Shippo being so brave! A Fantastic Fic  :)

chevonne knowles (Chapter 4) - Sat 28 Jan 2017

I have read this story before. did you decide to edited an updated it's been a long time I hope you do finish it this time

Mutnodjmet (Chapter 4) - Sat 28 Jan 2017

This was a very touching and emotional chapter concerning Kagome's reunion with Shippo. It was very nicely written. 

I like how you are developing Shippo's character. Hm, I wonder what Sessho's trying to hide from Kagome already. I also am wondering if Shippo married Rin???  In the feudal era, Shippo would never had gotten away with talking to Sesshomaru the way he did let alone giving him a vailed threat like the one he just gave. Ah...the plot thickens. lol

Your overall writing style, in my opinion, has been developing nicely. Keep up the excellent work you are putting into your stories. I am enjoying reading this story and can hardly wait for the next chapter to come and the next, and the next and the next, etc., etc. you get my  :)



Valasaurus (Chapter 4) - Mon 23 Jan 2017

Glad that she got to reunite with Shippo. I wonder what they're keeping from her though...

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