deAvaric Profile Page

About Me

Five random things about me

(because you're probably curious if you went to the effort of coming here)

  1. Writing, drawing, and reading are my favorite pastimes, especially writing. However...
  2. ...I have never written a fanfic (but it seems like such fun I might have to try).
  3. I have two cats (I did say this would be random)
  4. I giggle whenever I read a story where someone 'can't bare it' or when someone 'peaks' around a corner.
  5. The above would be the result of my strange sense of humor reading the words with their literal meaning instead of substituting the correct words. If you don't get why I'm giggling, you're probably one of the culprits.

User Status

16 years ago
12 years ago
15 years ago


Forum Statistics
Forum RankingPup
Total Posts12

Forum Posts
08/20/2010 07:03:06Re:What famous writer do you write like?Off-Topic Discussion15423
07/22/2010 04:22:43Re:any other Doujinshi of SessKag?Searching for a Fic...7661
03/28/2010 02:27:42Re:Dokuga is now on Facebook!General Discussion272050
12/21/2009 09:11:03Re:Leaving Dokuga....Off-Topic Discussion4845
12/06/2009 02:09:58Re:Association GameForum Games1901171
12/06/2009 01:56:59Re:Association GameForum Games1901171
11/29/2009 18:35:09Re:Association GameForum Games1901171
11/28/2009 08:03:14Re:Association GameForum Games1901171
11/20/2009 09:03:38Re:Association GameForum Games1901171
11/18/2009 16:11:11Re:Association GameForum Games1901171
11/18/2009 15:28:43Re:Who'd You Rather? Inuyasha StyleForum Games361504
11/18/2009 15:18:05Re:Association GameForum Games1901171


This user has no current connections.


deAvaric has 0 stories

Favorite Fanart

Total number of favoured images: 46

Water God Sesshoumaru Complete
Mother's day
I wanted to tell
Unspoiled - Follow the Leader
Friendly Advice
Little Sesshomaru
Someone should check behind his ears.
Drawble 3/20:
Younger Sesshoumaru
Showery, Flowery, Bowery
Fear Me WallPaper 17 inch size
Solitude: Sesshoumaru
Pocky Anyone?
Moonlit Guardian
Kanna\'s New Mirror
someone to protect ... ?
  • someone to protect ... ?
  • Author: Steph
  • Category: Fanart
<< Start < Prev [1] 2 3 Next > End >>


Name Entry

Created On: 01/03/2010 21:10:48

Hi there! Thank you for reviewing "The Third Parties". I really appreciate your review and kind comments, and am glad you enjoyed this story despite it being of a genre you don't usually read. The story should be coming to an end soon, and I have no idea if the ending would go well with readers. But we shall see, and I hope you'll continue giving this story your support.


Created On: 11/30/2009 12:59:45

Thanks, I might develop my style more though because I've seen alot of amazing artists from China, Taiwan, Malaysia, and Indonesia that have stunning artwork and it's realistic painting. I want to try that so bad and I one day I hope to do a realistic painting of some of my OC's.

Just go to DeviantART and search for these people and you'll see why I'm getting so much inspiration to do realistic paintings:

schumy330, heise, akizhao, raynkazuya, hghart, and feimo.

AMAZING ARTISTS...I'd kill to have their talent.


Created On: 11/18/2009 11:28:40

Hello and welcome to Dokuga. I hope you have a wonderful time here and the members are great.

INUYASHA © Rumiko Takahashi/Shogakukan • Yomiuri TV • Sunrise 2000
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