The Hatter Theory
Created On: 12/01/2011 12:33:21
I'll give you this, Howe & Gretzky were Canadian, so there's not much I can defend against about Canada's hockey players being better. Feedback from Shay: LOL
Created On: 05/20/2011 23:16:40 Edited By Kjpanny On: 05/21/2011 00:19:33
"Bring your won pitchfork"
LMAO! I couldn't stop laughing, when I read your review! It really cheered me up! I felt so much better after reading it, and I'm really happy that you like the short chapters. The confrontation with Inuyasha will be coming soon enough. And I promise you, youre going to love it! Also, if you do write stories, then put them on Dokuga. I know some people can be critical, but those are very few. There are alot of people who admire and praise our works. So from one writer to another, Please post your stories, I really want to read them.
Thanks again for your support!  Feedback from Shay: Thanks.
And I'm glad you liked the pitchfork comment. I have my occasional, rare, witty moments .
Underneath your BED! -attacks-
Created On: 03/26/2011 01:08:05
Thank you for your review.
>_> Trust me, Kags will give whoever took Hazuki trouble (would insert worse word but mus use censorship) ehehe.
Created On: 07/26/2010 04:13:31
Thanks for the review :3 and tellung me what i needed to improve on 