Maru Profile Page

About Me

The warmest of greetings to anyone who looks upon this page.

 Thank you for stopping in. This page was created because some very nice chatroom ladies talked me into it. My shortened name is thanks to them. I will not be much more then a lurker, but I assure you that you may contact me anytime for any reason. Please feel free to speak with me, I do love to meet others.

 I am originally from New Hampshire and like most of you, I am very fond of Sesshoumaru, though Sango is exquisite in her own right. I am relatively new to the fanfiction scene, and to anime in general. I watch the Adult Swim, if you want to know most of my interest in anime, though I do have a small soft spot for Vampire Knight after a friend *glares at Riasha* forced me into watching it.

That is all.... For now.


User Status

17 years ago
16 years ago
16 years ago


Hello All!

Since so many people were so persistant and supportive, I've decided to write a fanfic for this site. The fanfic will be in first person from Sesshoumaru's POV and should be coming very soon. The first chapter is completed and is just going through the smoothing out process now, though I must warn you it will be pretty slow. Currently, I am tossing around a few names for it and haven't decided on any one yet. If anyone is interested in helping me in any way (I already have a wonderful Beta many of you know, Mikaela, but one can never have enough sets of eyes to check their work) feel free to IM me on MSN or email me at this address:  or PM me mere on the site.

Do you want to know more about my fanfic? No? Well, too bad, because I am going to tell you anyway. This is going to be a canon fanfic and will not have a lot of romance in it... at least, thats the way I'm planning it as of now. *curses muse and its fickle ways* That may change.

It is going to be a PG13 read... no strong sexual references, no detailed, bloody, gorey violence. There will be character deaths, there will be some violence, and there will some borderline maturity. It should be a safe enough read though. I'm using Twilight as my violence/maturity reference since I sent that as a Christmas gift to my 13 y.o. neice. LOL.

hmm.... I think thats it. Please PM, IM or email me anytime, for any reason. I'd be glad to hear from you.

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!




Upon seeing the nuts challenge, I threw together a short (exactly 500 words) story in answer to it. My first ever posted story, "To Kill A Mocking Squirrel" was posted just this evening. Please let me know what you think of it. thank you.




The confetti challenge has been up for a bit now, but it took me a few days to come up with an idea. And so now posted under my name is also a oneshot called "Bets of the Confetti Kind". Its my second ever story and the first thing ever posted that I've tried to do in a females POV. Its in first person from Kagome's POV and was very interesting... and really HARD! to write for me. Please read it and let me know how I did. Oh, and if anyone wants to fix my mistakes in any of my stories, either the two already out or the up-and coming ones, let me know! I'd love any and all help! PM me here, IM or email me at this address to get in contact with me. Thanks!



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Total Posts90

Forum Posts
01/23/2009 16:17:05Re:Movies!! Hazzah!!General Discussion17558
01/23/2009 16:06:49Re:RumoursForum Games591365
01/21/2009 17:47:36Re:Telling Someone About FanfictionOff-Topic Discussion14255
01/21/2009 17:10:07Re:A Question About Japanese PluralsOff-Topic Discussion8365
01/18/2009 14:31:19Re:DisclaimersGeneral Discussion15035
01/18/2009 14:22:28Re:Research on Puppy PlayOff-Topic Discussion5921
01/18/2009 14:13:24Re:Update/ApologyOff-Topic Discussion6023
01/17/2009 00:20:58Re:Favorite Movie Quotes!Forum Games126705
01/15/2009 14:04:34Re:Favorite Movie Quotes!Forum Games126705
01/09/2009 18:55:38Re:RumoursForum Games591365
01/09/2009 18:40:32Re:Inspiration and ExpressionOff-Topic Discussion6783
01/09/2009 18:25:26Beta? Anyone? Please?Betas2593
01/08/2009 20:58:26Re:RumorsForum Games591365
01/07/2009 20:54:34Re:RumorsForum Games591365
01/06/2009 15:08:33Re:RumoursForum Games591365
01/04/2009 17:22:35Re:RumoursForum Games591365
01/02/2009 20:24:45Re:RumoursForum Games591365
01/02/2009 03:08:55Re:RumorsForum Games591365
01/01/2009 06:09:38Re:Happy New Year Everyone!Off-Topic Discussion5683
01/01/2009 03:12:10Re:RumoursForum Games591365

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  Lady Enzera
  ~Wick3d Ang3l~
  Ethereal Siren
  Priestess Skye
  sugar0o who lurks
  Fluffy Lady
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Maru has 3 stories

Answer to the \"Nuts\" challenge. Sesshoumaru has deadly aim... squirrels beware.
Rating: T  -  Universe: Alternate  -  Status: Complete  -  Category: Oneshots  -  Created: 26 Dec 2008  -  Updated: 26 Dec 2008
Genre:  -  Chapters: 1  -  Reviews: 8  -  Words: 537  -  Reads: 5,164
Last New Years Kagome and Sango made a bet to kiss a random guy at exactly midnight of the New Year. Bets like that are hard to follow through on... (Answer to the confetti challenge)
Rating: T  -  Universe: Alternate  -  Status: Complete  -  Category: Oneshots  -  Created: 31 Dec 2008  -  Updated: 31 Dec 2008
Genre: Humor, Romance  -  Chapters: 1  -  Reviews: 8  -  Words: 1,467  -  Reads: 6,040
Sesshoumaru has a strong sense of justice when people take his possessions from him. Strange events follow when he unleashes that justice upon those who took from him. Rated MA for possible mature scenes in later episodes.
Rating: MA  -  Universe: Canon  -  Status: Incomplete  -  Category: Chapter Stories  -  Created: 21 Jan 2009  -  Updated: 21 Jan 2009
Genre: Action, Drama, Friendship, Romance, Tragedy  -  Chapters: 1  -  Reviews: 8  -  Words: 4,872  -  Reads: 5,539


Name Entry

Created On: 03/20/2009 21:00:47

Hey, you cow! Get online sometime! I miss my favourite hetero duck. Plus, I need someone to share my crazy, random (read: insane) thoughts with. Seriously. I've got a whole topic about ostriches and how humans shouldn't be ridden like them planned out. But seriously, I do miss you.

Ko Torii

Created On: 02/04/2009 00:23:08

Thank you so much for the review on my story! >_


Created On: 01/28/2009 10:26:41

Life got in the way so I wasn't here as often. Nerve issues over some dental work had me so depressed I didn't want to do anything. But now the work has been started, I'm over my fear, and I'll be around more. *huggles* No cry!


Created On: 01/27/2009 15:33:59



*skitters away*

Lady Enzera

lady enzera
Created On: 01/21/2009 17:08:51



Smoke Goddess
Created On: 01/21/2009 04:52:22

I think I've been slacking off . . . this shall now be remedied.


Now on to the next person to bother. Pay it forward, I always say.


Created On: 01/15/2009 16:10:23

Go Junjou Romantica!!! Good anime suggestion, hehee.

~Wick3d Ang3l~

~Wick3d Ang3l~
Created On: 01/09/2009 19:29:02

Rawr, baby, Rawr!


Created On: 01/07/2009 01:10:39

LOL I read your review on my story and giggles because at first I read it wrong thinking you were telling me I have tense issues (meaning it in the non-grammatical way). I really should learn how to start sleeping more. Anyway thanks for the review hun. I'll work on my tenses (I know I'm horrible with them).


Created On: 01/01/2009 15:48:51

Broomsticks: stay away. Got it! Maybe. I dunno, I'll try, but like I said, the wizards make me! D=
Anyways, I quit being a retard at the moment and decided to actually thank people. It's amazing, right? Who would have thought that stubborn Inc would get it knocked into her! (And yes, that does warrant some perverted sex jokes. Bombs away, mate!) =o
Anyways (again), thanks for the review. It's much appreciated. And by the way, I'm not that astounding. Just have a very sick sense of humour. ;D
Cheers, mate!

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