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She threw her bag in the grass with out a care as she flopped down beside it gracelessly. Kagome felt her resolve to not break rapidly fail. Her bottom lip quivering, the tears she had miraculously managed to hold back began to fall.
"Why... Why..." She whispered shakily.
As if to try and hold herself together, the miko curled her knees into her chest, holding her legs close to her body. She couldn't fall apart - not now. She had always known it had meant nothing to him. It was always just an alliance. She should have been more careful. But she was notoriously helpless when it came to inu youkai it appeared.
Her heart shattering in her chest, the girl's sobs filled the clearing.
A sad scene I needed out of my head so I drew it >.>
And yes I like drawing Kagome with really long hair and with out the stupid tumor like bump coming out of her head e_o
"Why... Why..." She whispered shakily.
As if to try and hold herself together, the miko curled her knees into her chest, holding her legs close to her body. She couldn't fall apart - not now. She had always known it had meant nothing to him. It was always just an alliance. She should have been more careful. But she was notoriously helpless when it came to inu youkai it appeared.
Her heart shattering in her chest, the girl's sobs filled the clearing.
A sad scene I needed out of my head so I drew it >.>
And yes I like drawing Kagome with really long hair and with out the stupid tumor like bump coming out of her head e_o
17.08.2013 09:40:20
Yes please feel free to just link me back the finished piece and credit me :3
And don't think I'm a weirdo with a foot fetish, but her feet are adorable.
That's the first thing I noticed.