My Savior - Shojou Style

Picture information
Her savior stood over the four youkai boys he had just easily fought off, flicking his hand to get rid of their blood. The girl lingered in the background by the dumpster, unsure if the silver haired boy glaring down at the youkai was an angel or not. Suddenly, those sharp honey-colored orbs focused on her and she felt her heart begin to race.
"You are stupid, even for a human." The beautiful demon boy remarked dryly.
She flushed with shame and looked down at her shoes, trying to not meet those probing gold eyes of his. But what he said was true. She had known not to take the alley ways but she had been worried about being late to school and she really couldn't afford another detention. Her bottom lip quivering, Kagome looked up to see her nameless hero was already striding away, one hand idly scratching the side of his head.
Gasping, she yelped, "H-Hey! Wait!"
She ran after him into the sidewalk, ignoring her unconscious attackers as she leapt over them. The angel-faced boy ignored her and continued to walk away into the massive crowd of Tokyo's streets. She strained her eyes desperately. A sparkle in the midst of the black-haired crowd caught her attention.
His silver hair was like a beacon for her - it glistened in the sun's rays as if beckoning her to follow him. Pushing numerous strangers out of her way, Kagome stumbled after her savior. Panting, she finally managed to catch up and appeared behind him.
The boy stopped his languid stride. He glanced at her coolly from over his shoulder.
"Why are you following me?" He demanded curtly.
She blushed under the intensity of his gold gaze. Coughing nervously, she forced herself to look at him and replied, "Be-Because I feel safe with you and I want to thank you."
My attempt at a Shojou-style picture XD Here, Kagome and Sess are in their early teens, like 14/15.
EDIT: Yes I gave Sesshoumaru have short hair. So sue me >.> When he's older it'll grow out XD And yes I made the outline colored very pretty XD for Bloonie!!
"You are stupid, even for a human." The beautiful demon boy remarked dryly.
She flushed with shame and looked down at her shoes, trying to not meet those probing gold eyes of his. But what he said was true. She had known not to take the alley ways but she had been worried about being late to school and she really couldn't afford another detention. Her bottom lip quivering, Kagome looked up to see her nameless hero was already striding away, one hand idly scratching the side of his head.
Gasping, she yelped, "H-Hey! Wait!"
She ran after him into the sidewalk, ignoring her unconscious attackers as she leapt over them. The angel-faced boy ignored her and continued to walk away into the massive crowd of Tokyo's streets. She strained her eyes desperately. A sparkle in the midst of the black-haired crowd caught her attention.
His silver hair was like a beacon for her - it glistened in the sun's rays as if beckoning her to follow him. Pushing numerous strangers out of her way, Kagome stumbled after her savior. Panting, she finally managed to catch up and appeared behind him.
The boy stopped his languid stride. He glanced at her coolly from over his shoulder.
"Why are you following me?" He demanded curtly.
She blushed under the intensity of his gold gaze. Coughing nervously, she forced herself to look at him and replied, "Be-Because I feel safe with you and I want to thank you."
My attempt at a Shojou-style picture XD Here, Kagome and Sess are in their early teens, like 14/15.
EDIT: Yes I gave Sesshoumaru have short hair. So sue me >.> When he's older it'll grow out XD And yes I made the outline colored very pretty XD for Bloonie!!
04.08.2013 06:02:24
Sesshomaru looks so very arrogant and his eyes... ugh so cool!
Lovely work, gorgeous lines and really expressive eyes- definitely nailed the Shojou style!