The Gentleyoukai's Way

Picture information
Kind of lame title; instead of "gentleman" I say "gentleyoukai" lmao XD
From left to right; Ai (my oc), Sesshoumaru and Adult Shippou.
This picture was requested by Bloonie. She wanted a drawing of Ai (on the left) my OC and Sesshoumaru. I noticed I had room for a third character so she asked for an adult Shippou (on the right). So here you go Bloonie :3 I will one day outline and color this... >.>
From left to right; Ai (my oc), Sesshoumaru and Adult Shippou.
This picture was requested by Bloonie. She wanted a drawing of Ai (on the left) my OC and Sesshoumaru. I noticed I had room for a third character so she asked for an adult Shippou (on the right). So here you go Bloonie :3 I will one day outline and color this... >.>
22.07.2013 00:08:35
*wants more Adult Shippou*
When you do start accepting commissions, draw me a plumber Sesshomaru.
Loves instantly, saves to comp instantly, will love forever.