A Trick of Fate: Ruling Youkai Family Tree

Picture information
A family tree showing the lineage of the four ruling families as they are in 'A Trick of Fate.'
Double lines indicate a mated pair. Single line connections are either marriage or a courting pair, depending on the couple. (Remember, in this universe marriage and being mated are two very different things.)
I made this and the map a while ago as a reference for myself, but people have been saying things that made me think you guys might like to see these too. ;3
Edit: In this version I made the font easier to read, as requested, and fixed some crooked lines. :)
Double lines indicate a mated pair. Single line connections are either marriage or a courting pair, depending on the couple. (Remember, in this universe marriage and being mated are two very different things.)
I made this and the map a while ago as a reference for myself, but people have been saying things that made me think you guys might like to see these too. ;3
Edit: In this version I made the font easier to read, as requested, and fixed some crooked lines. :)
18.05.2013 12:05:45