Inupapa - God of the Earth

Picture information
Geb - The God of the Earth
Father of Osiris (Sesshomaru) and Set (Inuyasha).
Husband to Nut (InuKimi). It was said that Nut's father held her over Geb, keeping them apart, so that no way life could be created, as Nut and Geb were originally believed to have engaged into eternal sex.
It is believed that Geb's laughter was what caused earth quakes and that he allowed crops to grow.
There! Second one down! This here is the Inu no Taisho as Geb, the God of the Earth. I didn't draw his hands... because I would have really messed up on them XD lol
Really proud of his body! *drools*
Father of Osiris (Sesshomaru) and Set (Inuyasha).
Husband to Nut (InuKimi). It was said that Nut's father held her over Geb, keeping them apart, so that no way life could be created, as Nut and Geb were originally believed to have engaged into eternal sex.
It is believed that Geb's laughter was what caused earth quakes and that he allowed crops to grow.
There! Second one down! This here is the Inu no Taisho as Geb, the God of the Earth. I didn't draw his hands... because I would have really messed up on them XD lol
Really proud of his body! *drools*
22.02.2013 00:06:29
Yep, I only focused on the eyes ;p