Three Kitsune and a Puppy (Colored)

Picture information
Concept art for Rin as an inu youkai, Kagome as a kitsune, and my OCs Inari and Myobu.
All from my fic, A Trick of Fate.
Myobu's clothes are inspired by the Fire Nation designs from Avatar: The Last Airbender.
If anyone wants to color it, go right ahead. You can find the line art in my gallery. Just credit me for the line art, and link me so I can see what you did. :3
Best viewed at full size.
All from my fic, A Trick of Fate.
Myobu's clothes are inspired by the Fire Nation designs from Avatar: The Last Airbender.
If anyone wants to color it, go right ahead. You can find the line art in my gallery. Just credit me for the line art, and link me so I can see what you did. :3
Best viewed at full size.
16.02.2013 15:26:18
Myobu even looks evil
And Kagome looks so... elegant.