Three Kitsune and a Puppy (Line art)

Picture information
Concept art for Rin as an inu youkai, Kagome as a kitsune, and my OCs Inari and Myobu.
All from my fic, A Trick of Fate.
Myobu's clothes are inspired by the Fire Nation designs from Avatar: The Last Airbender.
If anyone wants to color it, go right ahead. Just credit me for the line art, and link me so I can see what you did. :3
Best viewed at full size.
All from my fic, A Trick of Fate.
Myobu's clothes are inspired by the Fire Nation designs from Avatar: The Last Airbender.
If anyone wants to color it, go right ahead. Just credit me for the line art, and link me so I can see what you did. :3
Best viewed at full size.
13.02.2013 23:47:32