
Picture information
His hair was silver and hoarse... very much different from his hair.
His eyes were yellow with dark gold irises, while his were warm honey with gold specks.
He was very much different from him, she noted, as she rode piggy-back style on his back with the wind violently whipping her priestess garb across her skin.
The sharp stinging pain from her clothing seemed to match that of the stinging sensation in her heart.
Her eyes closed tightly while her thoughts were violated with images of him. Standing in a field of blue flowers, the moon shining beautiful on his blue-ish white hair.
Red lined eyes opened and honey gold eyes perforated her sense, while pale ivory lips opened slightly.
'Kagome.' The man spoke, his beautiful baritone sang while his hand outstretched towards her, deadly claws welcoming her into strong arms.
'Sesshomaru!' she cried, running towards the taiyoukai with tears fleeing from her eyes.
"Kagome?" Inuyasha asked, stopping for a moment when he smelt the onslaught of salt and tears. "You okay?"
Kagome leaned her head onto Inuyasha's shoulders, her eyes closing softly as she tried to shake his brother from her mind.
"I'll be alright," she lied. She missed him terribly. Why did he have to say such harsh words towards her?
"I told ya he weren't no good." Inuyasha griped, continuing his sprint back to the village.
Tears slid from her face as his image haunted her once more.
'No... Inuyasha... you're wrong.' she thought, falling asleep while his beautiful face floated across into her dreams.
He shouldn't of made her leave.
He slammed his fist against the Goshinboku, standing on the hill top while honey gold eyes stared directly towards the village she stayed in.
She was beautiful - even when she was sad, her blue eyes shimmered and her movements were graceful.
He, however, could not admit the feelings he was having directly.
It had been the downfall of his sire, and it would surely happen again if he were to continue to indulge in this fantasy.
"L-Lord Sesshomaru!" Called his retainer, Jaken, as he scrambled to his sires being.
Sesshomaru turned towards his retainer, a hollow expression in his eyes.
"What is it?" He asked, looking towards him with hatred in those beautiful golden pools.
"I believe that you have done the right thing, milord! That human would have only caused you- oof!" Jaken was caught off by Sesshomaru's boot in his mouth as he stepped on him, continuing forward.
He cast one more look over to the village, feeling a bit of regret in his heart as she moved her head upward, looking straight towards him with a hopeful expression in her eyes.
'Did I?' He asked himself, staring back at her before turning his head, walking away as if nothing had ever happened.
The miko fell to her knees and wept, her cries heard through the forests for miles on end.
Yeah... Sorry I didn't have the chance to color this yet. I've been pretty busy lately.
I'll try and color it tonight, I just wanted to get it posted in time for MissKatt's challenge. I'll be doing another one for this prompt in particular, but this is for the first part of the little story. ^^
His eyes were yellow with dark gold irises, while his were warm honey with gold specks.
He was very much different from him, she noted, as she rode piggy-back style on his back with the wind violently whipping her priestess garb across her skin.
The sharp stinging pain from her clothing seemed to match that of the stinging sensation in her heart.
Her eyes closed tightly while her thoughts were violated with images of him. Standing in a field of blue flowers, the moon shining beautiful on his blue-ish white hair.
Red lined eyes opened and honey gold eyes perforated her sense, while pale ivory lips opened slightly.
'Kagome.' The man spoke, his beautiful baritone sang while his hand outstretched towards her, deadly claws welcoming her into strong arms.
'Sesshomaru!' she cried, running towards the taiyoukai with tears fleeing from her eyes.
"Kagome?" Inuyasha asked, stopping for a moment when he smelt the onslaught of salt and tears. "You okay?"
Kagome leaned her head onto Inuyasha's shoulders, her eyes closing softly as she tried to shake his brother from her mind.
"I'll be alright," she lied. She missed him terribly. Why did he have to say such harsh words towards her?
"I told ya he weren't no good." Inuyasha griped, continuing his sprint back to the village.
Tears slid from her face as his image haunted her once more.
'No... Inuyasha... you're wrong.' she thought, falling asleep while his beautiful face floated across into her dreams.
He shouldn't of made her leave.
He slammed his fist against the Goshinboku, standing on the hill top while honey gold eyes stared directly towards the village she stayed in.
She was beautiful - even when she was sad, her blue eyes shimmered and her movements were graceful.
He, however, could not admit the feelings he was having directly.
It had been the downfall of his sire, and it would surely happen again if he were to continue to indulge in this fantasy.
"L-Lord Sesshomaru!" Called his retainer, Jaken, as he scrambled to his sires being.
Sesshomaru turned towards his retainer, a hollow expression in his eyes.
"What is it?" He asked, looking towards him with hatred in those beautiful golden pools.
"I believe that you have done the right thing, milord! That human would have only caused you- oof!" Jaken was caught off by Sesshomaru's boot in his mouth as he stepped on him, continuing forward.
He cast one more look over to the village, feeling a bit of regret in his heart as she moved her head upward, looking straight towards him with a hopeful expression in her eyes.
'Did I?' He asked himself, staring back at her before turning his head, walking away as if nothing had ever happened.
The miko fell to her knees and wept, her cries heard through the forests for miles on end.
Yeah... Sorry I didn't have the chance to color this yet. I've been pretty busy lately.
I'll try and color it tonight, I just wanted to get it posted in time for MissKatt's challenge. I'll be doing another one for this prompt in particular, but this is for the first part of the little story. ^^
14.01.2013 17:14:44