It WAS supposed to be SK

Picture information
this was originally as is, in this WIP form, the only form i'll probably post here supposed to be SK, for a hot minute it was going to be Bykakuya from bleach/kagome, but it turned out to be a Kouga/Kagome that i'm still working on. i was bribed greatly to make it Kouga/Kagome!
15.09.2012 00:28:15
Name i made promises that i would only LS it as i'm working on it. I'm actually drawing lines in PS which i hardly EVER do. b/c of that though it's taking FOREVER when i do work on it. so the final isnt up yet, i havent even gotten the lines completed yet.
Are you going to post the final version on DA?
I love the flow of this sketch. Can't wait to see its progress! Beautiful!