
Picture information
He is not finished yet, but i wanted to post something here cause i was feeling like a leech:D Oh! and i wanted your opinion! should i sneak kagome in here??? or do you guys think i should just leave him as is??
I used a pen i stole from a cup at my moms office and a #2 pencil<3
I used a camera so the quality is not great:C i have no photoshop skills either i do not understand it's magical wizardy-ness
I used a pen i stole from a cup at my moms office and a #2 pencil<3
I used a camera so the quality is not great:C i have no photoshop skills either i do not understand it's magical wizardy-ness
08.03.2012 01:34:48
And it's not done?
Dude, please finish, this is very awesome so far.