Whisper's Color Tutorial Pt.1

Picture information
I've had a few requests concerning a tutorial that explains the way that I color, so here they are. All in all there's going to be seven of them, detailing from how I clean up a line art to how I do the background (which that one is giving me a few issues so it's going to be a bit delayed). Until then I'll post the first six up and hope they can help in any way, shape or form.
The lineart I used belongs to Sugar0o, she was kind enough to let me borrow it for this tutorial. Thanks again r0o!!
And once I get them all up I'll post the link to the next one so you can just go down the line.
I hope this helps!!!
*Edit* I totally forgot to put this in my tutorial, but I use Photoshop CS4, though a lot of the functions should be the same for every Photoshop. >.< sorry about that!
Link to Part 2: http://www.dokuga.com/gallery?func=detail&id=7489
Kagome (c) RT
Lineart (c) r0o
Color, Tutorial, and Death's New Mistress (c) ME!
I've had a few requests concerning a tutorial that explains the way that I color, so here they are. All in all there's going to be seven of them, detailing from how I clean up a line art to how I do the background (which that one is giving me a few issues so it's going to be a bit delayed). Until then I'll post the first six up and hope they can help in any way, shape or form.
The lineart I used belongs to Sugar0o, she was kind enough to let me borrow it for this tutorial. Thanks again r0o!!
And once I get them all up I'll post the link to the next one so you can just go down the line.
I hope this helps!!!
*Edit* I totally forgot to put this in my tutorial, but I use Photoshop CS4, though a lot of the functions should be the same for every Photoshop. >.< sorry about that!
Link to Part 2: http://www.dokuga.com/gallery?func=detail&id=7489
Kagome (c) RT
Lineart (c) r0o
Color, Tutorial, and Death's New Mistress (c) ME!
22.01.2012 19:05:59
You can make a new layer then click and drag it in the Layers panel to where ever you want it
Thank you so much.
Now, I think I can color decently :'(