r0o's 'Agent Miko' Colored

Picture information
Woo hoo this one was fun! r0o always does the coolest arts! ^_^
So the buildings might be kind of lame, but I wanted to focus more on Kagome cuz she's cool. Haha
Smoke Brush: http://shadowheart69.deviantart.com/art/Smoke-Brushes-Adobe7-0-126671460?q=boost%3Apopular%20shadowheart69&qo=1
Light Brush: http://gigistar.deviantart.com/art/Flare-Brushes-268400351?q=boost%3Apopular%20Starwalt%20Brushes&qo=19
(woot I found the links!!!)
Anyway I hope you like it, and as always the lineart belongs to r0o. I just colored!!
Kagome (c) RT
Lineart (c) r0o
Color (c) ME!
So the buildings might be kind of lame, but I wanted to focus more on Kagome cuz she's cool. Haha
Smoke Brush: http://shadowheart69.deviantart.com/art/Smoke-Brushes-Adobe7-0-126671460?q=boost%3Apopular%20shadowheart69&qo=1
Light Brush: http://gigistar.deviantart.com/art/Flare-Brushes-268400351?q=boost%3Apopular%20Starwalt%20Brushes&qo=19
(woot I found the links!!!)
Anyway I hope you like it, and as always the lineart belongs to r0o. I just colored!!
Kagome (c) RT
Lineart (c) r0o
Color (c) ME!
06.01.2012 02:31:29