My New Beta - Sesshomaru!!!

Picture information
This is how I gave him the name: He's always giving me that holier than thou can see it in his fishy little eyes - yes watch me, you inferior human and bask in my greatness -fluffs his plummage before going back to stare at himself in the corner- >.< I'm inferior to a fish T.T
But I adore my new beta and I think he likes his new home and he sometimes zips around at demonic speeds in it, stirring up color full rocksXD
But I adore my new beta and I think he likes his new home and he sometimes zips around at demonic speeds in it, stirring up color full rocksXD
09.10.2011 02:01:05
He's just mad cuz I moved him from his nice big tank to a rinky dink little one.
Mine kisses my fingers... so, he's maybe more the Miroku or Koga type :3
Thank you. They really are! my husband teases me that I get so attached to my fish but they really have their own little personalities. Enjoy your handsome little Sesshy.
I'm sorry for your lost!! They are such wonderful pets.