Jakena Imp
Picture information
This is what I get for being inspired to draw something that totally blinded me!
A play off of 'Jessica Rabbit' Jakena Imp has been featured on the cover of PlayImp Magazine 4 time's running.
Obviously the favorite out of all of Myouga Bloodsucker's (play off of hugh hefner) Imps, Jakena is the sex symbol of the Imp world.
=X...bleach me now!
Jaken (c) RK
Jakena (c) unforunately...me...
3rd Quarter arts...2010
A play off of 'Jessica Rabbit' Jakena Imp has been featured on the cover of PlayImp Magazine 4 time's running.
Obviously the favorite out of all of Myouga Bloodsucker's (play off of hugh hefner) Imps, Jakena is the sex symbol of the Imp world.
=X...bleach me now!
Jaken (c) RK
Jakena (c) unforunately...me...
3rd Quarter arts...2010
02.08.2010 00:57:19
Excuse me while I go searching for my 2-in-1-Eye-and-Mind bleach.
Thanks for that.
Good job btw