Mongolian Sess/Kag
Picture information
CONFESSION TIME: I LOVE AUs/ARs. I know some people hate them, but for me one of the joys of fandom is being able to shove everyone into high-school uniforms, or into a different time period or culture.
Melanippos ( and I were having a discussion about the movie Mongol, which mutated into a discussion about a Mongolian Sess/Kag story complete with pointy toed boots, squatty horses, and a wispy little goatee for Sess (other demons have facial hair - why not Sess?) You can see her version of Mongol Sess/Kag in her DA account.
I invested WAY more in this than I should have - I realized this about the time I found myself obsessing over finding reference images of Mongolian quivers. And it still ended up a conglomeration of all sorts of different time periods and styles of armor and weaponry etc.
Also - these are the first horses I've drawn in about....oh 15 years or so (since I left the little girl "OMG HORSIES!!!" phase). Their tack is inspired by Ah-Un's XD.
Melanippos ( and I were having a discussion about the movie Mongol, which mutated into a discussion about a Mongolian Sess/Kag story complete with pointy toed boots, squatty horses, and a wispy little goatee for Sess (other demons have facial hair - why not Sess?) You can see her version of Mongol Sess/Kag in her DA account.
I invested WAY more in this than I should have - I realized this about the time I found myself obsessing over finding reference images of Mongolian quivers. And it still ended up a conglomeration of all sorts of different time periods and styles of armor and weaponry etc.
Also - these are the first horses I've drawn in about....oh 15 years or so (since I left the little girl "OMG HORSIES!!!" phase). Their tack is inspired by Ah-Un's XD.
26.06.2010 15:25:13
I told you in deviantart all the other stuff i like about this, but her face will always be the center for me, her softness and the bottom-like nose!! just too cute!!