Change of Plans

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He went there with every intention on ending the newly appointed White Queen. He had no idea what she looked like, but he was well aware of where she would be. These humans have a way of giving away their most guarded secrets simply because they believed themselves to be alone. Unfortunately for them, their gossiping will cost them their queen.
Honestly, the woman should feel honoured. It was not every day that the Black King chooses to kill someone specifically.
His hand lifted to his sword, ready to strike when he felt it before he even smelled it. Power. Pure, raw power. Her reiki, untethered, gave her small form an ethereal glow—did she even notice it? Or was her reserve so large that she needed to unleash it or it would burst?
This was the new White Queen?
He knew that the only reason the woman has yet to attack him was because she could not see him, whereas his demonic heritage allowed him to see her clearly.
“Sango-chan, are you coming in any time soon?” her sweet voice caressed his ears more intimately than any other woman’s touch could ever hope to.
Nothing prepared him for when, through the thin blinds separating him from his target, the woman turned and he saw her for the first time.
‘The sea’, were his first thoughts when he saw her eyes. His own trailed down, down, following the droplets of water cascading its way down from her wet ebony hair, to her rosy cheeks to her impressive cleavage.
Yes, he came here to remove a threat to his victory, but it appears the primal demon within him could not let this slide so easily and simply. After all, did his father not tell him that the title of the Black Queen can only be attained by the most powerful woman? Why should he settle for second best when the closest he could have to an equal was within his reach?
The plan his advisors gave was made to remove the White Queen from the war as early as possible, he would humour them. He will remove her from the game. How he goes about it, however, will be done in the way he deemed fit.
A dark chess game au where the Black and White kingdom are at war, the former looking to dominate and the latter wishing for peace. An idea that struck me when I happened to glance at my brothers’ chess set one afternoon XDD
Here’s to stories I have that I will make fanarts of but will probably never get to write XDD
I have no idea if barely even visually naked counts as adult sooo... just to be safe XP
Honestly, the woman should feel honoured. It was not every day that the Black King chooses to kill someone specifically.
His hand lifted to his sword, ready to strike when he felt it before he even smelled it. Power. Pure, raw power. Her reiki, untethered, gave her small form an ethereal glow—did she even notice it? Or was her reserve so large that she needed to unleash it or it would burst?
This was the new White Queen?
He knew that the only reason the woman has yet to attack him was because she could not see him, whereas his demonic heritage allowed him to see her clearly.
“Sango-chan, are you coming in any time soon?” her sweet voice caressed his ears more intimately than any other woman’s touch could ever hope to.
Nothing prepared him for when, through the thin blinds separating him from his target, the woman turned and he saw her for the first time.
‘The sea’, were his first thoughts when he saw her eyes. His own trailed down, down, following the droplets of water cascading its way down from her wet ebony hair, to her rosy cheeks to her impressive cleavage.
Yes, he came here to remove a threat to his victory, but it appears the primal demon within him could not let this slide so easily and simply. After all, did his father not tell him that the title of the Black Queen can only be attained by the most powerful woman? Why should he settle for second best when the closest he could have to an equal was within his reach?
The plan his advisors gave was made to remove the White Queen from the war as early as possible, he would humour them. He will remove her from the game. How he goes about it, however, will be done in the way he deemed fit.
A dark chess game au where the Black and White kingdom are at war, the former looking to dominate and the latter wishing for peace. An idea that struck me when I happened to glance at my brothers’ chess set one afternoon XDD
Here’s to stories I have that I will make fanarts of but will probably never get to write XDD
I have no idea if barely even visually naked counts as adult sooo... just to be safe XP
30.11.2019 10:28:05
I don't know when I plan on putting it out tbh XDD