Picture information
Sess and Rin during a ball on Valentine’s Day.
Forgot I had a Dokuga account. I also apologize if my image has lost some quality - Dokuga only allows certain file sizes for upload. You can see it in full res on DeviantArt. X3
Forgot I had a Dokuga account. I also apologize if my image has lost some quality - Dokuga only allows certain file sizes for upload. You can see it in full res on DeviantArt. X3
25.04.2019 13:38:42
That's totally fine! And thank you for the compliments. X3 I can see why everyone thought it was a SessRin pairing - I actually got frustrated when I kept trying to upload from my iPad Pro and kept getting denied because of file size (something I need to remember is that I draw in MUCH larger scales on my iPad.... Lol!). XD And every time I tried, I had to re-type the description - eventually, I gave up on description and was just like, "let's just go with the flow". XD
If you had responded that this represented Sess/Rin as a couple, I might have been forced to remove it. As it is, though, it has a nice Father/Daughter dance vibe and I'm delighted you chose to post it here. Sorry for any misunderstandin gs on the part of other members, and I hope you continue to post such lovely work on our site!
Don’t worry! I understood you perfectly. X3 I should’ve stated that I see them as father/daughter from the beginning. XD
*Giggles* Yeah, I totally get that. I probably should’ve done that from the start, but got frustrated bc every time I tried, it told me the pixels were too much for it. XD
Oh and something else I’d like to just point out is that if this does actually get taken down, I guess all the others with Rin, Jakken, Ah-Uhn and so on and so forth should also get taken down. Just to kinda make my point. But you guys get it. X3 Hooefully it doesn’t get taken down and can stay, but it’s cool if it does, too. Doesn’t really bother me much. I’ll just, post elsewhere,
It’s not, actually. When I was reading the rules for submitting, it actually said, specifically, “Anything relating to Sesshomaru or Kagome.” The “or” is important. To top things off, I see Sesshomaru and Rin like father and daughter, which is what I was attempting to portray in this image. Like a “father-daughter” dance sort of thing for Valentine’s Day, so-to-speak. But I guess if it doesn’t properly comply with the rules, I suppose I’ll just delete it if I’m told to. X3