Icy treat

Picture information
Drawing of KagomeYukiNiwa's amazing fic, "Chasing Beauty" - Right after little Inu's apologise to Kagome...for hitting her with his soccer ball. While eating Ice cream.
There's more coming, I'll try to upload them before the month ends (my scanner decided it has lived for too long and it's in a coma (?)
[I apologise for any mistake made while writing this, english it's not my first language xP]
... that's a insanely big ice cream cone, isn't? ._.u
*fixed. I messed up the files while uploading, sorry!
There's more coming, I'll try to upload them before the month ends (my scanner decided it has lived for too long and it's in a coma (?)
[I apologise for any mistake made while writing this, english it's not my first language xP]
... that's a insanely big ice cream cone, isn't? ._.u
*fixed. I messed up the files while uploading, sorry!
19.04.2017 10:32:50
I just randomly saw this and absolutely LOVE IT!! Kit~ you're an amazing artist and I adore this scene SO much! I am so so so happy to avid reader such as yourself! This has given me INSPIRATIONNNNN NNN~
Thank you so much and I am truly honored~