The Makings of a Family

Picture information
Ruler of the Western Territories; Lord Sesshomaru and his chosen Mate, Lady Kagome.
Drawn, Lined and Colored by Evellin
I worked SO hard on this piece! But I am so proud of how it came out!
Drawn, Lined and Colored by Evellin
I worked SO hard on this piece! But I am so proud of how it came out!
21.04.2015 05:39:46
Kagome's clothes look a little *ahem* see through.
Thank you so much! I had fun trying out some new techniques!
Thank you so much No Uta! I was just sketching, trying to gleam inspiration for the upcoming chapters to my fanfic, and this just sorta appeared. I liked it, so I thought I would practice my coloring abilities.
I drew by hand, scanned it in, then colored and edited by hand in Photoshop CS 6